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Disappeared from Google after adding Analytics...

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    Disappeared from Google after adding Analytics...


    A bit off the wall this one...

    My site has always ranked well in Google natural listings - I have been No1-2 on Google UK for 2 years or more with keywords like "Indian Food" for instance. My homepage would always show up in searches for this and similar terms in the top 3.

    My PR is 5 and has been stable for around 3 years (still is). So all is well.

    Until I added Google Analytics about a week ago. My home page has now disappeared off the UK listings (still shows up on though). Most of the other pages are still showing as usual but the homepage is not showing on Google at all. I checked on Yahoo tonight and the same thing appears to be happening there.

    Is anyone aware of any problems with Analytics and Actinic 6? Have I added the code incorrectly to the home page?

    Hi Derek

    Keep an eye on the number of pages google indexes from your site - see if it changes.

    I had 790 pages indexed by google before analytics and now I have about 80, this could be just coincidence but I certainly impacts on my web traffic and also happened within 2 or 3 weeks after installing analytics back in November last year. I put it down to a google update but the more I think about it the more I wonder if google uses analytics data to guide its indexing bots etc.

    Just my 2p worth.
    Commercial Cleaning Cambridgeshire


      Hi Ian

      After a week there was no change in pages indexed. However, doing a [site:] search on revealed the home page present at the top as you would expect and the page was appearing in the usual position for the main keywords. A [site:] search on Google UK showed the page was nowhere.

      I took out the Google Analytics coding last night and hey presto - back in number 2 position on Google UK today!

