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cart options????

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    cart options????

    Hi i have set a product called pro-bin to have a multiple colour drop down list, each colour has its own product code, and therefore its own hidden product, (hope makes sense)
    However when selected to basket i see the original product (with component,attribute,choice) and below that also the product linked to the choice via the permutations tab, i wish only to see one of these as a customer may get confussed, if it is possible i would only like to display the product details attached to the choice, the one that appears below,

    Or if there is a way to have the qty next to the product that cotains the component,attributes,choice, set as blank.

    is this possible?

    Highlight the component in the left side content tree in Actinic and clear the box for "Show component as separate order line".

    You will now get one product description with quantity, followed by a list of the component(s) and choice(s) selected.
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