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International shipping formula

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    International shipping formula

    We would like to begin setting up our system for international shipping. Though we us UPS within the Continental U.S., we plan to us USPS Air Mail for deliveries outside.

    Is there anyway I can simply set up shipping to be 3x what it is set to now instead of doing each country individually? We've found that normally that is the actual cost for our international customers in most locations.


    Hi there.

    I am not sure if this is of use to you, but I have written a simple update query in Microsoft Access 2000 that increases all of my shipping charges by an amount I specify.

    You will need Microsoft Access 2000 in order to do this, please do not use any other version as errors are likely to occur.

    Please note that any changes made to the Actinic databases cannot be supported by Actinic Technical support, and changes made are taken at your own risk

    Now, it is highly recommended that you back up your database beforehand. To do this, locate the SimpleShipping.mdb which is in the ShipControl folder in your Site1 folder and make a copy. Please note Actinic should be closed down otherwise you may get a sharing violation error and the file will not copy.

    Once the backups are out of the way, open up SimpleShipping.mdb in Access 2000. Make sure Actinic is not open.

    Select Queries under the objects panel in Access, then double click create query in design view.

    A window showing all of the tables should appear, double click on the bands table, this should now appear on screen. Within this table, double click on the BandCost field. This field should now appear in the field list below.

    Next, select the Query menu, and choose update query.

    In the table at the bottom of the window, you should have BandCost for the field, and Bands for the table.

    You can use the update field to tell Access how to change the values in this field. To do this, please use the following format. This example multiplies all of the values in your shipping table by 3.5


    You can also perform additions as well. If I wanted to increase all of the prices by £5 I would do this:


    To apply the changes to your database, click the red exclamation mark at the top of the screen. The changes are not reversable, so please exercise caution.

    When you have done, close Access open Actinic and view your shipping and handling prices.

    I hope this helps


