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shipping charges

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    shipping charges


    Our shipping structure is simple.

    If the order is under £20 we charge a standard £5 shipping.
    All orders aboue £20 are free....

    i have done this in the business settings/shipping ok as all orders over £20 in price free otherwise £5.

    Here is the problem.

    i have 1 single item for sale at £10. which i want to have free shipping on, but if they order 1 single item as its under £20 it adds £5 p&p.

    Is there a way to make 1 single product item "exempt" from shipping ?


    Hi Jim

    Unfortunately, you can't adjust the shipping charges specific to one product. However, the work around is to be a bit creative with the shipping by total weight option. You can set every order under 20kg to have a shipping charge of £5 and a free delivery for everything over that weight. Then enter the same amount in kg as the price for each individual product.

    The single item for £10 pounds can be given a weight of 21kg and will have free shipping.

    It's a bit clunky but should get around your problem. I've added product specific shipping charges to the wishlist.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software

