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Adding search box to home page

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    Adding search box to home page

    I am trying to find the option - if there is one - that allows me to add the search box to the home page of my site. As it stands, the first point at which I can add it is the online store page but it would be very useful to have it on the home page. Am I missing something obvious or is it not possible?
    Many thanks for any help.

    Try uploading your site and going to /acatalog/search.html

    Grab the code from the search option there and paste this into your template where you want it.

    Works okay if you don't want the search to be dynamic as it is a snapshot of whatever search options were on the search page produced by Actinic.


      Also on v7 of Actinic if you want a simple keyword search then simply drop this code into your template where you want the search box:


