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Which template holds the menu bar

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    Which template holds the menu bar

    Hi guys
    can you tell me which template holds the html for the menu bar. I am using the curves theme. I want to point the contact us link to another page rather than open outlook express or any other email client when clicked.

    View the site here

    I cant find which template or script to edit any help appreciated


    Anyone answer this one please



      The menus are generated from calls to a single NETQUOTEVAR for the top and bottom menus in the form of:


      To change just the contact us details you would need to position each item individually. Take a look through the user manual for Individual Navigation Buttons that will list details of NETQUOTEVARs for NAVBSEARCH, NAVBCART etc etc.

      These can be further broken down so in effect you could add your own images into your template and then link them using NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK that will connect your image with the Actinic generated search page.

      Hope this helps.....


        Thanks for the reply .
        I'm a litle confused opening the header from Actinic template manager I see the refrence to the various NETQUOTEVAR's but cant relate this to the html. Where is the editable html for the menu.

        Sorry I'm missing something fundemental here. If anyone wants me I'll be in the corner banging my head against the wall lol...

        Can you explain further for this dimwit

        Many Thanks



          Hi Andy

          The navigation bar is derived from a template, just as the product list is, which means that you can't get into the html for one item and edit it because it would affect all of the other items. The template is Act_NavigationItem.html (the placeholder for which is NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERGUIDE) and the various NQVs in this template are placeholders for information entered in Design Options | Navigation.

          So, techno-web is right - if you want to change the destination of just one of the navigation items, it is best to remove it from Design Options | Navigation and add it separately using the instructions from the AUG.

          Hope this helps.

          Ben Popplestone
          Ecommerce website software

