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    I am just trying to add another type of payment to my settings i.e Credit Card Capture, and have a real problem that I cannot solve.
    I have contacted my host and they have checked my server settings and they all are fine.
    The problem therefor must lay in Actinic.
    My problem is this:
    If I change my SSL setting to match the one provided by my host I get error message after error massage saying the following
    The web site directory is not writable.
    >> Unable to create a file in the web page directory.
    >> Permission denied
    >> Unable to create a sub-directory in the web site directory.
    >> Permission denied

    This is when I run the test on the ssl tab.

    When I contacted my host they did look into my setting with them and said the following

    The error appears to be linked to the permissions it sets on the
    *.session and *.save files within the acatalog directory, it creates
    them with strict file permissions of 200 and then cannot access them
    later on.
    You may need to contact the vendor actinic about this and see if it is
    correct, we cannot advise as we cannot know how their system is setup to
    In the meantime you could try and reset up again from scratch entirely
    (if that is possible without causing any problems) as it could be an
    issue that was caused in setup before when the settings were not
    originally correct.

    Please help ASAP as I am currently not getting the orders I need due to not beng able to take this form of payment.

    I am running version GBGA
    Windows XP
    Actinic Business

    If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!

    You may need to contact the vendor actinic about this
    Why not ring them ??????



      I have contacted them, and have had trouble getting a repsonse and this is my reason for coming on here.
      If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


        you could upload your network settings (remove username and password) so we can see if they are correct.

        Looking at your site by typing in

        it seems you are using some sort of shared SSL, as the cert belongs to

        As you are using your hosts shared SSL they are probably the people who ought to be helping.



          I have tried both with Actinic and my host and neither seem to want to help so it looks like I am stuck.
          Can anyone suggest another program that will work and does not require the amount of hours to tweak the settings to get everything running as it should be.
          I am afraid I have totally lost faith in this one and cannot afford to throw my time away trying to sort a program that was sold to me as a "complete ecommerce package" that simply doesn't do what it should in the way it should.
          I want one that works "easily" along side my Sage Line 50 FC program.
          If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


            Your problem lies with the type of SSL cert your host is trying to sell you. There are many different ways of setting up a shared SSL service not all hosts shared SSL is compatible with Actinic.

            Therefore you still have 2 easy alternatives:

            1 use Actinic shared SSL (phone actinic to buy it)
            2 Buy your own proper SSL cert from your host (not shared SSL from your host)
            3 Take payment using a PSP

            Actinic is a complete Ecommerce package, it offers several choices of payment provider as different people what to choose from the whole range of what is out there. Ie SSL cert, actinic Shared SSL, PSP, cheque, cc card detail sent separately, COD andso on.

            Whether or not you use Sage is irrelevant to the issue of securing the payment method on the site.



              Thanks for that.
              If I buy my own SSL cert where and how do I use this?
              If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                you would buy your own SSL cert from your host and they should install it for you.

                Then all you do is open Actinic, payment and security tab, place a tickin the tick box for SSL on checkout and login

                Job done.



                  Hi again,
                  Thanks again.
                  Would this mean I need to do something in the Actinic settings to get it all working, as I nor my host managed to use the shared ssl they have.
                  If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                    see my above post which I editted as you replied.

                    Your host' s Shared SSL is a completely different product to your own SSL cert. Which in turn is different again to ActinicShared SSL.

                    There are some hosts who do manage to get shared SSL working with actinic, there are some hosts who buy Actinc's Shared SSL.

                    If you nor your host could get their shared SSL to work I would give up and go for one of the other 2 choices I mentioned.

                    Who is your host?



                      My host is
                      I just need tog et my site working as it should be asap.
                      If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!


                        all done

                        Hi all,
                        thanks for all the help it is up and running as it should be now.
                        If everything in life were simple there would be no challenge!

