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Urgent help please! Buy one get one free and % off problems

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    Urgent help please! Buy one get one free and % off problems

    Hi, I'm stuck here and have just realised that all of my weekend sales are messed up.

    I have various discounts on different product groups - 25% off 50% off 75% off etc. I wanted to also add a boy one get one free offer to all of these as well. I set this up in 'cart contents' trigger as '2', '% off cheapest' and discount as '100%'.

    The problem is that if an item already has 50% off that is applied first. the 100% off cheapest item seems to use the original price and not the discounted price, therefore if a customer orders two products of the same price the total order value will be zero! Please see am example of a reciept below, not a good way to make any money!

    Any ideas how this should be set up to work correctly?

    __Lines Ordered_________________________________________________

    S06X517-EARTH Pray for Surf Wallet - Earth 2 £6.99 £13.98
    No. Not Yet Shipped 2 -£6.99
    S06X517-EARTH Mega Deals 50% Off
    S06X517-EARTH Buy One Get One Free 50% -£6.99
    Shipping & Handling: £3.95
    Total: £3.95____________________________________________________________
    Dan - Saltrock Online Surf Shop

    In fact if the items are down to 75% off we end up owing the customer money!

    I have check through my weekend orders now and it appears that only a few are incorrect, most of them have been worked out correctly, which is very confusing.
    Dan - Saltrock Online Surf Shop


      Hi there,

      This is just a thought. I have tried the shipping handling charges on V7. Originally my tariffs are :

      0.50 £1.95
      6.00 £4.95
      100 £14.99

      I expect for any product values up to 0.50, postage £1.95
      product values between 0.51 - 6.00 £4.95
      product values from 100+ onward £14.99
      However, it doesn't work out like that I got very bizzar shipping charges and at one time, postage was over £100.00 which was ridicular.

      At the end, I set up the following tables :

      0.50 1.95
      6.00 4.95
      99.99 4.95
      100 14.99
      1000 14.99

      It sound weird to me but so far this work. Might be you would try this 'trick' and see whether it works.

      Good luck


        Sorry, you've lost me there, I'm not sure I understand?

        The problem I'm having is not with shipping and handling, but with the discounts. having looked into it further, the buy one get one free seems to work when two different products are ordered although it is not always the cheapest ones that are discounted! but when 2 of the same item are ordered it messes up. so if a customer orders 1 of an item they get 50% off, if they order 2 of the same item they get it for free! not good.
        Dan - Saltrock Online Surf Shop


          Hi there,

          Yes, I do know you problem is not shipping related. I was thinking the discount might work on the same principle of my problem with shipping. I know it sound weird on my setting and I just stumble on my solution by accident.


            Just reading this quickly. Have you tried "% Off of extra product"?


              Looks like a bug to me - you should raise a support issue with Actinic.

              Have you got business? If so you can set up your quantity based discounts in the pricing tab, could be quite painful to set up though and it will only work for a single product, rather than for product groups.

              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
              Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

              Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
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              Multichannel order processing
              Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                Thanks Jan,

                at the moment I am usint the % off extar produce (or was, I've had to take it off now) I have about 500 items which this would apply to, so setting up my quantity based discounts in the pricing tab would take a long time I think. And as the promotion is only supposed to be for the half term week I would then need to come in at the weekend to change it back?

                Is it possible to use a query to modify the database based on the product codes? these could easily be extracted from the discounts table I guess?

       - Saltrock Online Surf Shop


                  Hi Dan,

                  I don't think SQL would be your answer. Would it be appropriate to only allow a single offer code per order (probably not from the example you gave) if you so can set up the codes so that only one applies (they will applied in reverse order of the list in the discounts dialog), there is an option on the misc tab in discouting to do this.

                  Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                  Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                  Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
                  A4 Paper with one or two peel off labels, free reports available for our customers
                  Product Mash for Sellerdeck
                  Link to Google Shopping and other channels, increase sales traffic, prices from £29.95
                  Multichannel order processing
                  Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                    I was hoping to have 50% off and buy one get one free on the same items (what a bargin!), so that would not rerally be the answer if I understand what you are saying correctly.

                    I have raised a support enquiry anyway so I will post back when I have an answer in case anyone else finds themselves in the same position.

           - Saltrock Online Surf Shop


                      Same '%off cheapest' Discounting Problem

                      Hi Rudders (and if anyone from Actinic sees this please read on as I'm really disappointed that whenever anyone discusses this pretty serious issue everyone starts whistling to themselves and looking the other way - I've been trying to get an answer for well over 6 months)

                      Did you get any joy with this? Using Actinic V7 I have had the same problem every time I set up any kind of multibuy offer using '%off cheapest'. With things like the second cheapest product getting discounted, particularly (but not only) when customers buy more than one of a given product. e.g. buy 2 cheap, 2 medium and 2 expensive items on 3 for 2 and you will almost inevitably get 1 cheap and 1 medium priced product discounted - not the 2 cheapest!!

                      It is very irritating and losing me money. I have posted threads and contacted Actinic but with no answer other than - are you sure you set the discount up right. Yes I am. It happens every time I set a '%off cheapest' offer up and I'm not the only one having a problem - I've seen a variety of threads talking about similar issues, including this thread.

                      The problem seems to lie in the sequence in which Actinic considers the items in order to figure out the discount. It gets particularly confused when customers add products and then remove them or change quantities and it has to recalculate the discount.

                      On a related but less significant note, to try to hide the bad discounting from customers I've tried using 'consolidate %off cheapest' discounts in the shopping cart ... which doesn't seem to work either.

                      The problem is bad enough that at the moment I have to spend a good deal of time in Excel making sure that I price promotional products so that there is no way to 'cheat' the discounting and I always have to use products that are very similar in price. Then I test the site to destruction to make absolutely sure that the discounting bug isn't going to return me a loss on multibuy offers - it just means that I lose a lot of time and some of my profit margin!!

                      Then the phone rings and it's Actinic asking if I want to upgrade to V8?!
                      Last edited by Jemski; 29-Oct-2006, 02:41 PM. Reason: Clarifying


                        Hi Jem,

                        As mentioned in another posting, I am getting some information on this from development.

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development

