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BUY NOW Button

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    BUY NOW Button

    I am getting around 500 unique visitors a day now, but only about 1 order per day. In your wisdom, what could I change/add to increase the sales do you think?

    One suggestion has been to move the pricing and "buy now" button to the top of the page and have the text underneath. I agree this is probably a good idea, but is it fairly simple to achieve?

    As always, your advice is appreciated fellow Actinic users!

    Looking at the info you have for products it could help to have the price at the top of thepage, it will save of unnecessary scrolling.

    I would be more inclined to look at your stats, especially keywords to see what keywords bring visitors to your site.

    Then check your prices/product info etc for those products - it could be that you have a good listing for certain products but people are being put off buying for other reasons

    We did a similar study on keywords/visitors on the pinbrook site a few years ago, we suddenly got a load of visitors for a keyword than wasn't relevant to our normal range of services, we then realised we had written a page describing a new service which talked about other tecnologies used to create the service, we were then indexed on the technologies.

    Given the products you sell, you will probably get a lot of comparison shoppers on your site, so it may be that the ratio of visitors to purchasers is as good as it gets.


      You are in a really tough market place with a lot of competitors all making mad margins to keep the prices as cheap as possible - as there is nowhere to hide with these items you really need to be as price aware as possible (inconjunction with customer service, delivery etc etc)

      Navigation for me is the weakest point (I did not compare prices so don't know how cheap / expensive you are) ... most people are known to get confused with menus over 10 items in depth. The main left hand navigation is not in alphabetical order and swaps between category and manufacturer. The big players in your market all tend to show products by category and then subsection down to the required product. This may add extra clicks (always a bad thing) but it ensures users who are not familiar with manufacturers names can find the products more efficiently.

      It may be worth creating another drop down with list by manufacturer for those who know they want a particular brand.

      From a design viewpoint for me the pictures are a little lost and everything is crowded to the left (at both section and product level) ... a little right hand padding to the images would not go amiss if you have the space to allocate a few extra pixels.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        I think you should make a search button more prominant, for this type of product I would expect to enter the site, search and get a list of products to investigate.

