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Secpay configuration

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    Secpay configuration

    I'm trying to customize the secpay input page, but am hitting some problems.

    In test mode, and just using the default actinic.html template everything works OK. When I upload my own template (even just an unedited version of the one supplied by Secpay) the authorisation works, but when I click on the get receipt link I get a 404 error - The requested resource (/java-bin/) is not available

    So what's missing from my template?

    Secondly - how do I populate the card name field on the secpay page - I notice the actinic.html template does this - In fact - how can I get a look at the actinic.html template?


    Hi Tony

    Is this live on a test site?

    The link returning the shopper back to the merchant's site is in the Act_SecPayOK.html template which is found in \Site1\CommonOCC. If the link isn't working, I would try replacing this template with the original, found in \OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Hi Ben

      The site is nearing completion, but I've managed to sort this issue.

      I downloaded the actinic.html secpay template from rather than using the default secpay template - and it works!

      What you may be able to help me with, though, is is it possible to make the page that passes the variables to secpay more transparent to the user. It seems a bit pointless in forcing them to press a <next> button?

      The site is



        HI Tony

        The page will bounce and not display the next button when the site is put into production mode.

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          Ah - thanks Ben!!



            Originally posted by Ben
            HI Tony

            The page will bounce and not display the next button when the site is put into production mode.

            Sorry to resurrect an old thread but my question follows on from the above answer.

            I'm using Secpay as my PSP and have set up the custom template etc, all works well. I'm running Actinic in production mode however the bounce page still displays and does not automatically forward you to the secpay template. I don't want this showing up (as I understand it shouldn't when in production mode?) but it still shows up leaving you have to press next to go to the next page. Any ideas why this is still shown?



              Have you still got the 'onload' bit in your body tag?

              See this thread:


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Originally posted by olderscot
                Have you still got the 'onload' bit in your body tag?

                See this thread:

                Hi Mike, thanks for the reply.

                I've gone over my act_primary.html (used on the checkout pages as well as the rest of the site) and had added in the onload bit, must have been deleted along the way, doh! So the body tag now looks:

                <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;preloadImages('top_nav/checkout_on.gif',......... etc.

                The page still doesn't bounce to the secpay payment template. I have read various threads on this and tried to understand how the bounce page works. Should there be some javascript on the bounce page to make it bounce or does the onload trigger something not on the bounce page?


                  Originally posted by Andyric
                  Hi Mike, thanks for the reply.

                  I've gone over my act_primary.html (used on the checkout pages as well as the rest of the site) and had added in the onload bit, must have been deleted along the way, doh! So the body tag now looks:

                  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" onload="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD;preloadImages('top_nav/checkout_on.gif',......... etc.

                  The page still doesn't bounce to the secpay payment template. I have read various threads on this and tried to understand how the bounce page works. Should there be some javascript on the bounce page to make it bounce or does the onload trigger something not on the bounce page?

                  Ok so I got it working, by adding:

                  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
                  function onLoad()

                  manually into the occsecpaytemplate file. If I upload this manually the bounce works fine. I have now tried to incorporate this into a new actprimary1 which I will now use as the template for the checkout stages of the site. However when i use this new template, the bounce doesn't work and comes up with a javascript error! So it works doing it manually but not via a template! I need a strong drink, this is silly.

