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Affiliate Windows tracking code issue with Actinic v7.0

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    Affiliate Windows tracking code issue with Actinic v7.0

    Hi - Affiliate Windows have recently upgraded their tracking code as their old tracking code was falling victim to some anti spyware products.

    This is the old code (which I have populated with the Actinic variables):

    <img src="">
    This is the new code (which I have populated with the Actinic variables):

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    /*** Set your transaction parameters ***/
    var aw_mid = 'xxxx';
    var aw_test = '0';
    /*** Do not edit below here. ***/
    call = location.protocol.toLowerCase()+"//";
    call += ""+"m/sread.j"+"s?a="+aw_mid+"&b="+aw_sale+"&c="+aw_extra+"&d="+aw_parts;
    call += "&t="+aw_test+"&l="+escape(window.location.href)+"&tv=1.0";
    document.write("<s"+"cript language=\"JavaS"+"cript\" type=\"text/javas"+"cript\" src=\""+call+"&tt=js\" id=\"aw_tag\"></s"+"cript>");
    var oImage = new Image;
    oImage.src = call+"&tt=ia";
    <img src="
    &parts=Default:NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI&testmode=0" />
    This code works fine for a site I developed (a long time ago) in version 5 but not for a site developed in v7.06. I have tested this with code provided by AW.

    I reported this to AW but the reply I had appears to be a real kop out which is:
    Thank you for sending the code over. It looks like the values for sale
    amount and parts are not being parsed through correctly. It is likely to be
    the variable that is used to parse the information to the tracking code is
    wrong. You may need to speak to Actinic to check on the variable that needs
    to be used to parse this information.
    I have reverted back to the old code for the V7 site and it is now reporting sales again.

    I have grabbed the HTML code from the receipt pages of v7 site which includes the new AW tracking code and is displayed below:

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    /*** Set your transaction parameters ***/
    var aw_mid = 'xxxx';
    var aw_sale = '15%2e94';
    var aw_extra = 'DTTEST10000144';
    var aw_parts = 'Default:15%2e94';
    var aw_test = '0';
    /*** Do not edit below here. ***/
    call = location.protocol.toLowerCase()+"//";
    call += ""+"m/sread.j"+"s?a="+aw_mid+"&b="+aw_sale+"&c="+aw_extra+"&d="+aw_parts;
    call += "&t="+aw_test+"&l="+escape(window.location.href)+"&tv=1.0";
    document.write("<s"+"cript language=\"JavaS"+"cript\" type=\"text/javas"+"cript\" src=\""+call+"&tt=js\" id=\"aw_tag\"></s"+"cript>");
    var oImage = new Image;
    oImage.src = call+"&tt=ia";
    </script><noscript><img src="" /></noscript>
    Has anybody else had this problem? Would someone from Actinic like to comment on this?

    So this variable definitely worked for you with the previous version of the code? This variable replaces the decimal point with %2e and it could be that the new Javascript call cannot handle this encoding.

    My suggestion is to try the alternative netquotevars for the other total, which are listed in the Advanced User Guide. Place some test orders and see which of them work correctly with the new format of tracking.


      My client has requested that I leave the old code in place therefore I will follow this up when I have time.

