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Checkout - User defined fields

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    Checkout - User defined fields

    Developer v7.0.6

    Is there a way of moving all of the user definable fields in the checkout to the same place? i.e under where the 3 General Information ones are?

    You can move the user-definable fields to different places within the same template (Act_Order01 or Act_Order02) but you cannot move them from one template to another. So you could move the delivery user-definable field to the 'General Information' area if you want.


      I've tried to move the delivery user definable field down to the general information area but with no joy. I've attached a screenshot of what appears in the checkout.

      Can anyone shed some light on what I've missed?


        ........just spotted the reason.

        The deliveryphase ends before the general info phase begins.

        Is there an easy way around this?


          2nd attempt at attaching the screenshot
          Attached Files


            Tricky. You could just delete the value="NETQUOTEVAR:WHATEVER" value from the tag. The only disadvantage of this is that if customers go back a page and then come back to this page, the value will be missing.


              Hi Chris,

              If I remove this value then what will happen to the information that the customers enter into the box?

              Ideally it needs to appear on the data entry report but as long as it's stored somewhere, it's not a problem.


                The information will still be stored if a customer fills in this field and clicks 'Next'. The issue is just that the value will be set to empty if someone clicks 'Back' and then 'Next' (which will display an empty field) and then clicks 'Next' again.


                  I'm still having trouble finding the data that's entered into the user-definable field.

                  The url is

                  I've attached a screenshot of Act_Order02.html so you can see what I've done.
                  Attached Files


                    The data will still be considered as part of the delivery details by Actinic so if it is included with the order details, it will be at the bottom of the delivery details in the 'Customer' tab of the order.


                      Hi Chris,

                      That's where I'd expect it to be - but it's just blank.

                      Have I edited the Act_order02.html template correctly?



                        This isn't really an area I've tried before.

                        Having done some work on it now, it looks like the Delivery fields will only work in the 'Delivery Phase' part of the checkout. Sorry to mislead you - I'm afraid I made an assumption without testing it out first. You can move fields around within the delivery phase and the general information phase - but not from one to the other.

