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Search fields for Record Site

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    Search fields for Record Site

    HI Guys,

    I'll post this in V8 & V7 help.

    Have a customer who's selling records, he wants a fully searcheable site with 3500 items on it.

    Thing is, it needs to have a few searcheable fields in it:

    1: Artist
    2: Title
    3: Record label
    4: Release Year
    5: Catalogue Number
    6: Psuedonym

    Currently he has his databse in fields in Excel.

    WOndered if there was a way that Actinic could handle this or wether I would have to look at another program?

    HI Mark,

    From reading your log I think there are 2 issues here

    1. The searchable properties, Artist, title etc, would be just that in Actinic. Searchable properties. You would make a CUSTOMVAR for each one then define these as searchable within the actinic searchable properties (You need Business version for this)

    2. The updating of this data from the spreadsheet into the actinic database

    For issue no.2 I would reommend some kind of utility or scripting that is custom built to map the relevant fields from the spreadsheet correctly ot the relevant fields within the actinic database.
    A good working knowledge of the relationship between the database in actinic and the actinic interface is required to do this.
    pm me if you need more information on this aspect.
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
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