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problem making changes to site

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    problem making changes to site


    Have been making some amends to a website and had loads of problems with the update function hanging and 'not responding' so had to restart dozens of times and still couldn't get it to work.

    Through looking through forum / faqs I found a bit about putting a tick in 'use passive ftp transfers' under network set up. This did finally seem to allow the thing to complete it's

    'update' but when I go to the website there was nothing but a blank page.
    Kept trying and either get blank pages or a 'Forbidden - you are not authorised to view this page' type message.

    Have just tried a 'Refresh website' and this almost completed but came up with an error in the 'merging incremental updates' bit. 'An error occured while sending the merge request'

    I have checked that permissions are set to 755 for the cgibin and cgi-bin-local and also on all the .pl files within this.

    I have noticed that almost all files within the acatalog are 0Kb which I guess is where the problem lies.

    So then tried to manually load the site using some 'facts' for 'how can I manually generate and upload my site?'
    However when I get to
    "Copy all *.fil from the local Site1 directory to the remote acatalog directory"
    a lot of them say permission denied so I can't!! Seems to be the ones I renamed old*.fil

    However my home page still looks a total mess - even though I have gone through and made the links to those images*.jpg

    Now if I try and got to another section I get a
    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: Error loading configuration file /usr/virtual/1/concept/
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    So I went back into Catalog and did a 'update' which got me back to all being blank pages again (despite no errors in the progress through the update)

    So I have just tried a 'refresh website' again and I get the 'error occurred while sending the merge request' messgae again

    Just seem to be going round and round in circles and getting nowhere
    So am totally at a loss as to what to try!!!

    Some pages should be

    but there is absolutely nothing there at present ....aargh!!

    Thanks in anticipation
    Jo Taylor

    Not looking good

    I would connect to the site via FTP and download any order files ending in .ord and then delete everything in the cgi-bin and /acatalog/ folders (and the root index.html) and upload the whole site from afresh ... copying back any .ord files afterwards for you to download.

    Does the offline page preview work from inside Actinic (to view a page or section etc)??

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Hi Jont

      Yes, preview looks fine (apart from the files from the server that are site relative don't show - but the header etc and all the menus and stuff shows)
      I had just been musing whether to bin the whole lot and start again - but good call about copying orders. Shall give it a go.

      Jo t


        Probably the best option as manually generating and uploading is not a solution - if the local previews are working fine (bar the server side stuff) starting afresh looks like the way to go as nothing is there at the moment when I checked.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Odd tho - I cannot find any .ord files at all (although about 25 showing in the local version) - nothing like that in acatalog or cgi-bin-local which is where the pl and pm files are
          very strange

          Do you think it is best to delete all in the folders and push it up again?
          Jo T


            Once you download orders the files are removed from the server

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              eek - now I try to update and get a longer merger error basically saying there was no home page but I recognise the code as being from the 404 error page that displays if the page is not there

              so went back to ftp and sent up site_root_index and renamed to index.html

              and get something for that but not right - missing images, font wrong etc
              going to other pages is a dead duck

              so will try doing a refresh website this time


                I get the 'error occurred while sending the merge request' message again

                Any more ideas?

                In hope.....more like desperation now.....

                Jo t


                  I have put a 'we are updating the site' basic html page up for now - just so there is something there!!


                    'error occurred while sending the merge request'
                    delete .fil files from both the local PC (site1) and the webserver


                      I have done this and still get the 'Error occurred while sending the merge request'

                      This is:-
                      after deleting the files mentioned and then doing 'generate website' and then 'update website'
                      didn't work
                      deleted again and did 'refresh website'
                      didn't work
                      deleted again, restarted Actinic, then 'update website'
                      still get the same merge request error

                      Any more ideas?

                      Jo T

                      any more ideas


                        Things to do.

                        1. Make sure your acatalog folder has permission set to 777.

                        2. Export your network settings to a text file and then copy and paste them here for people to look at.


                        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                          Hi Mike,

                          yes acatalog is set to 777

                          Network settings are as follows

                          HTTPPROXYMODE 0
                          HTTPPROXYPORT 80
                          FTPPROXYMODE 0
                          FTPPROXYPORT 21
                          SCRIPTID 1
                          SCRIPTEXT .pl
                          IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS true
                          USERELATIVECGIURLS false
                          PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
                          USEENHANCEFTP false
                          FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
                          FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
                          FTPSILENT false
                          FTPMAXRETRIES 3
                          FTPCONNECTTIMEOUT 25000
                          SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
                          PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /usr/virtual/1/concept/
                          CODEBASE ./
                          FTPUSERNAME ********
                          FTPPASSWORD *********
                          PATHTOCGIBIN /home/cgi-bin-local/
                          USEPASSIVEFTP true
                          FTPPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /home/www-docs/acatalog/

                          Hope this sheds some light on it (I only enable the passive ftp yesterday - saw this as a suggestion for these problems on another post)

                          Jo T


                            I have tried changing the path from cgi to catalog to no effect
                            get loads of errors if I test the network settings

                            Actinic received a server error from the web server. The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

                            Internal Server Error
                            The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
                            Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

                            More information about this error may be available in the server error log.


                            Apache/1.3.29 Server at Port 80

                            The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.

                            So I have asked the hosts (Newnet) if they have made any changes to the server in the last 12 months or if the path to perl is now different as this is the only thing I cannot see.

                            Does anyone have any ideas if it may be this - or something else?

                            Thanks in hope

                            Jo Taylor


                              Originally posted by Concept
                              PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /usr/virtual/1/concept/
                              I am by no means an expert on these settings, mine always seem to work, but i can't help thinking that the above cannot be correct surely?

                              My equivalent is "../htdocs/acatalog/"

