I have been trying to use Microsoft Frontpage to change my text into HTML format and use in my item description. However, when I copy the HTML version into my description it doesn't show my bold or color but just shows the HTML script with my description.
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Using HTML in item description.
Here is an example.
Here is what I am trying to do and I don't know if it is possible. I wanted to make the type larger than normal and give it some color (red).
I used Microsoft Front Page and typed in the type in 14pt. and in red. This is what it gave me. I see it doesn't begin or end with what you told me in the previous thread.
Like I said, I'm not sure this is even possible in Actinic.
<p><font size="5" color="#FF0000">View Our New Clothing Website!</font></p>
Thanks for your help.
The simple solution would be to use the following:
!!<<font size="5" color="#FF0000">View Our New Clothing Website!</font>>!!
the !!< and >!! at either end of the code are unique to Actinic and tell Actinic the bit between is HTML and not standard text ... you need to add this to the code after you have pasted from Frontpage
A neater solution would be to use CSS to style the text as it would make the site more future proof so if you wanted to make the text say bright blue at any stage in the future you can change just the one line in the actinic.css file and it is changed globally.
Some Actinicers will baulk at the use of fixed sized fonts but it works.
You can also use something like "1.2em" which is a scalable font size which allows users with disabilities to resize the web page for better accessability - all sites should pass minimum disability standards but very few do
I don't think that size="12px" works within font tags (only 1 to 7 and -1 to -6 or +1 to +6 are valid). You'd need something like embedded style. E.g.
!!<<div style="font-size:12px; color:red">View Our New Clothing Website!</div>>!!Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
!!<<font size="12px" color="#FF0000">View Our New Clothing Website!</font>>!!
IE6 appears to be obeying these rules but it isn't.
It confusingly ignores the 12px and only uses the final digit as an absolute size. So 12px is identical to 22px.
If you use decimal numbers like 1.1em then only the 1st digit is used so 1.1em is the same as 1.9em.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
I'm still a computing neanderthal.
Do big heavyweight programming in Borland Delphi Pascal.
Am well used to all those nested tables that Actinic V7 loves so much.
My favorite plain text editor (Editpad) is second on my most used programs list (after Freecell of course).
Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey