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Points make prizes !

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    Points make prizes !

    Hi there

    I'm not sure whether this is possible at all....

    We have 2 sub-sections that we want to offer a free gift if our customer orders a certain number of products.

    Some of the products are 1 point (found in Section A) and others are 2 (found in Section B). They need to accumulate 8 points in total for the free gift.

    If at all possible I wanted to allow customers to mix products from both sections but I think the only way I can do it is if they accumulate 8 points from one of the sections. Am I right?


    i think what you're looking for is actually a little over actinic's head.

    I'd impliment this at the catalog side, with some custom software accessing the actinic database, and calculating those customers that have reached the 8 points mark.

    of course, you'd have to tag all the items that are worth points, and have the software search the database until you find it/them. spitting out any costomers that have gotten 8 points.

    then, set up a coupon code that is emailed to the customer. for the free gift? I'm guessing, with the free gift via coupon, i have no idea if actinic can do that.

    Suffice to say, its complicated, and expensive to ahve someone write some software like that. unless someone else has a better way?

