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Filename conflict

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    Filename conflict

    This is the error message I get, because I've done an import from sage it has changed all the file names back. This is going to happen every time I import. All my image file names where changed to c:\notcatalog etc, but since doing an import from sage it has changed them all back, so therefore I am getting this error message, do not know why and if there is a solution. I have had the website designed by an external company, since getting the snapshot back and doing an import this has happened.

    Please help!! Again


    Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Advanced | Additional Files.

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.

    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\porreda\NOT_CATALOG\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0001ext.jpg
    c:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0001ext.jpg

    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\porreda\NOT_CATALOG\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0004ext.jpg
    c:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0004ext.jpg

    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\porreda\NOT_CATALOG\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0016ext.jpg
    c:\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps\0016ext.jpg

    Hi there

    The only solution to keep both happy would be for in Sage change the location to where Actinic is reading, eg
    "C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\porreda\NOT_CATALOG\Program Files\Sage\Accounts\extbitmaps". Are there alot of products?

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

