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    Hi everybody!
    I am new to Actinic and i'm trying to add the following piece of tracking code to a client's site:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    I would like this to appear on every page of the site. So far i have added it to loads of different files but with no joy. I've added it to:
    • Act_BrochureFrameNavBar.html
    • Act_BrochurePrimary.html
    • Act_DDIndex.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfo.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfoImageAbove.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfoLeftText.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfoNoName.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfoNoName2.html
    • Act_ExtendedInfoNoName3.html
    • Act_FrameNavBar.html
    • Act_InfoPopup.html
    • Act_Order04.html
    • Act_Primary.html
    • Act_PrimaryAlt.html
    • Act_PrimaryCart.html
    • Act_PrimaryCheckout.html
    • Act_PrimaryLeft.html
    • Act_ReceiptPrimary.html

    From looking at other threads the bolded files seem to be the most important to edit. Is this correct?

    Also i can make changes to these files from a coding perspective (FTP) but i do not have access to the Actinic. I have asked them to upload the site after i have made the changes but nothing seems to happen with the code. Do i need access to Actinic?

    Please help!

    Hi Matt - you will need access to Actinic or at least you will need to modify the templates and send them back for the client to upload with Actinic.

    The ones you have identified in bold are the main ones and look correct (although there may be others that have been modified and renamed)


      I have asked them to upload the site after i have made the changes but nothing seems to happen with the code
      This is because actinic generates new html pages each time the site is uploaded and overwites the pages on the server wiping out any changes you have made via ftp.


        Worth also keeping in mind a single page on the server can be created from many many nested templates - which increases if you have more than one product on a page - so be wary of which templates you add the tracking code into as you may end up with more than 1 impression in the log per page view.

        There is a long thread about implementing Google tracking which may be worth reading if you have not already seen it

        ** edit ***

        the files you have listed above are not actually found on the server - they are templates compiled by Actinic and it's database to create the live page
        Last edited by jont; 02-Nov-2006, 03:29 PM. Reason: List of Act_Templates

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Cheers for the responses

          I have emailed the files over to the client and they have run a preview but they are getting an error that IE won't open the following page:
          C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\PreviewHTML\P_index.html

          I haven't made any changes to this page (and i can't find it even existing!)

          Can anyone shed any light on this?


            Can anyone shed any light on this?
            I suggest you get a copy of Actinic and learn how it works - Actinic SEO is VERY different to other websites.


              Actinic generates the static web pages from the templates. When you select to preview a catalog page it is generated and placed in .../Previewhtml/.. - the page generated is temporarily named P_index.

              The Catalog pages are generated mostly by Act_Primary. Your client should have sent you the Act_Primary template that resided in the Site1 folder on their computer and then copied your updated version over the top of it following your modifications.


                then copied your updated version over the top of it following your modifications.
                When he does that - if you have correctly modified the code as you would if you were doing it from the Actinic interface, Actinic will now include the change you have made on every page that uses that base template - including potentially, the cart and checkout pages.

                If you have not made the mods correctly, his site will now be dead.

                You really should take the advice Malcolm offeres above. Download the free 30 day evaluation of Actinic and learn how it works.

                In about three or four months - just as most sites will be moving from v7 to v8, you just might be qualified to do good SEO work on an Actinic site.

                For now, you can give your client advice, but it will be up to him to merge that advice into his Actinic templates or to hire an experienced v7 coder to make the changes for him.
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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                  Again thanks for the responses.

                  The tracking code has now been successfully installed on the clients site. I have downloaded a copy of Actinic so that i can figure out how exactly it works.

                  You are right Malcolm in saying that SEO on Actinic is different to other CMS/Shopping Carts that i have worked with before. However i have come across many sites that use this technology so it is worth investing in a bit of research.

                  Thanks for all the help!

