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Titles description and tags

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    Titles description and tags

    Hi guys
    I am just about the launch in a long and hopefully fruitfull review of all my pages with a view to making them more engine friendly.
    I know this has been covered many times before and have trawled through the previous posts but just want a brief opinion on these questions before I start to get stuck in. It may also serve as some use to other noobs like me.

    1. Titles - should these read in plain english or can it be a serious of key words? and whats a good size?
    2. Filenames, i think i have most of these ok already but is there a max length that should be kept within?
    3. Meta Description - should this be very different from the title and can it just be keywords? Again is there a sensible size?
    4. Meta tags - whats a sensible quantity? i have some pages with 15 or more but was thinking of getting down to 4 max.

    From previous posts it seems meta tag and description are not much use anymore so I wont spend much time on those but do want to do plenty of keyword research and make sure plenty of them appear in the title and product text.


    As you say its all been posted before:

    1. Titles - should these read in plain english or can it be a serious of key words? and whats a good size?
    This is the most important - It must reflect the content of the page and they should read correctly as they show on google as the blue text at the top of the search result so it is what people base thier click on. They should be no longer than 40 characters including spaces.

    2. Filenames, i think i have most of these ok already but is there a max length that should be kept within?
    There is no max length but google state that they should not be too long.

    3. Meta Description - should this be very different from the title and can it just be keywords? Again is there a sensible size?
    This should have the same theme as the title and page content. Max size about 150 characters.

    4. Meta tags - whats a sensible quantity? i have some pages with 15 or more but was thinking of getting down to 4 max.
    Each of your pages should be tuned for one or two keywords/phrases so put these into this tag. Anymore and you will dilute the weight of these words.

    As you say 3 and 4 are ignored by most SEs


      Good advice. Does anyone know if there is a problem with the page name and Title being similar.

      For example my page name being :


      and the page Title being :

      Samsung D500 battery

      I just wondered if the title and page name should be unique.


        Does anyone know if there is a problem with the page name and Title being similar
        NO there is no problem at all, infact they should be the same as they are describing the same page

