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Multiple Order Forms

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    Multiple Order Forms

    i hope this request is possible with Actinic. We already have an Actinic shop at:
    The forms work fine and all seem to be well.
    however, we need a page that will allow people to register for an event but we need seperate details on the form.
    My question is: can we generate a seperate order form that is relative to this product? Also, we will not be requirig the system to charge postage as we are only charging for registration

    Wha extra information do you need for the form?

    If it's just one piece of information, you can use the 'Other Info' prompt to ask an extra user-definable question with a particular product.

    And at you can purchase a plug-in to allow you to have multiple other info prompts for a single product.

    To not chanrge shipping on this product, you need to change the 'Calculation Basis' in the 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' tab to 'By Weight' and then ensure that an order with zero weight has zero cost. You can then change the weight of your reqistration product to be zero.


      Form information

      This is not just one piece of informnation but sevral information needs to be added to the form and this will be different from the normal shopping form. Also, there is a default weight on the items already. The system will not allow me to enter a value of 0 as the default weight.


        This is not just one piece of informnation but sevral information needs to be added to the form and this will be different from the normal shopping form.
        OK - it sounds like you will not be able to use your Actinic store for this then.
        Also, there is a default weight on the items already. The system will not allow me to enter a value of 0 as the default weight.
        You wouldn't need to edit the default weight - my solution was that you add a row to all your shipping grids that say

        Weight: 0
        Cost: 0

        Then just set the weight of the registration item to zero.

