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Image Issues.

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    Image Issues.


    I am having some image issues within the building of the store pages. The store worked fine till just recently when i changed it's domain name & thus changed some of name details etc in bussiness settings.

    My problem is that the images that i upload for example, the logo or products images etc do not show up, all i get is the place marker for them, i know that Actinic has found the images because when i did my upload, all the new images are on the 'live' site on the web, so they are ok, it's just i have no images in the store on my PC where i do the store building/editing.

    Can anybody help me please, as i am lost now. I thought the paths to the images were ok, as i set up new folders and started again, because of this error.

    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    right click on the red cross on the online store to see the properties of the image. Thiswill tell you where thestore thinks theimage is. This will probably be different to where you think it is.

    if this bears no fruit then we need the url


      you got a url for us to view the issue please?
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        Thanks for your replies!

        The images are ok when uploaded online, no problem there at all, it's when they are in Actinic on the PC that i cannot see them..which is the part the has me lost.

        Sorry if i wasn't clear enough about that to start with.


          it's when they are in Actinic on the PC that i cannot see them
          copy the images into the folder called PreveiwHTML


            Originally posted by pinbrook
            copy the images into the folder called PreveiwHTML
            I have tried this, but still no joy i'm afraid.

            it was working perfectly ok till i set it up with the new details for the domain...wished i didnt touch it now!


              did you actually rename the actinic site folder or just make changes in the network and business settings?

              If you did rename folders on your hard drive, then change them back again. The folder names on the computer drive do not affect anything on the website.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Originally posted by wjcampbe
                did you actually rename the actinic site folder or just make changes in the network and business settings?

                If you did rename folders on your hard drive, then change them back again. The folder names on the computer drive do not affect anything on the website.
                Hi there,

                I didnt rename the main folder or any sub folders on the HD (didnt actually touch the program folder at all), i only renamed the folders ins ay 'My Pictures' that contained the image files that i was using for the various webpages as they were being built, and the only other changes i made were in the network and business settings.

                Thanks for your help so far everybody, i really am grateful.


                  i only renamed the folders ins ay 'My Pictures' that contained the image files
                  that is what is throwing off your Actinic view.

                  you originally told actinic your images were in MyPictures\this folder, so when you added each picture using Browse in the product, it has saved the image location as My Pictures\this folder\this image.

                  if you have renamed the folder to MyPictures\that folder, Actinic still thinks the pictures are in the original location. If you open a product and check the image URL, you should find it is still listed at the old location.

                  You can still see your images on the server site, because once uploaded, the site has placed all the images in the acatalog folder on the server, and this isn't affected by your localised folder name change.

                  To correct this you either need to rename the folder back to its original name (as Bill has suggested), or change the image locations of all your products to reflect the new folder.
                  The easiset way to do that would be to export the site, and search and replace the folder names using excel.
                  Make sure you backup/snapshot before doing anything like this.


                    Originally posted by fleetwood
                    that is what is throwing off your Actinic view.

                    you originally told actinic your images were in MyPictures\this folder, so when you added each picture using Browse in the product, it has saved the image location as My Pictures\this folder\this image.

                    if you have renamed the folder to MyPictures\that folder, Actinic still thinks the pictures are in the original location. If you open a product and check the image URL, you should find it is still listed at the old location.

                    You can still see your images on the server site, because once uploaded, the site has placed all the images in the acatalog folder on the server, and this isn't affected by your localised folder name change.

                    To correct this you either need to rename the folder back to its original name (as Bill has suggested), or change the image locations of all your products to reflect the new folder.
                    The easiset way to do that would be to export the site, and search and replace the folder names using excel.
                    Make sure you backup/snapshot before doing anything like this.

                    Oh yeah i see what you mean , the only problem i still have though is that 95% of the images that have not shown in the building process, have NOT been moved or renamed, they are still in the 'old' folder for the old domain name. The only things that got a new folder where things like new logo's etc for the new domain name.

                    It just seems that since i changed the network and business settings, it's all gone belly up.

                    Maybe i need to uninstall and start all over again...i am not a newcomer (not an expert either though) to the web or PC's which is why this one has me stumped


                      If the "old" folder for the "old domain name" and the "new" folder for the "new domain name" are both outside the Actinic Site folder, then this does make matters more complicated.

                      Everything needed for one Actinic site is best kept in the Actinic site folder for that site.

                      Although it will take a huge effort to sort out, you are probably best doing it now - and not later once the site is live.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Originally posted by wjcampbe
                        If the "old" folder for the "old domain name" and the "new" folder for the "new domain name" are both outside the Actinic Site folder, then this does make matters more complicated.

                        Everything needed for one Actinic site is best kept in the Actinic site folder for that site.

                        Although it will take a huge effort to sort out, you are probably best doing it now - and not later once the site is live.
                        Well done that man!

                        Sorted, your right about keeping them all in the actinic site folder, it now works ok so far, as you say, now comes the long part of re-establishing the correct images with their items again, but thats not too bad at the minute.

                        So all being well, this fix will stick.

                        Thanks for your advice/help everybody, i am very grateful.

