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Changes to act_brochurePrimary template not showing

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    Changes to act_brochurePrimary template not showing


    I have been making changes to the head section of act_brochurePrimary.html and act_primary to include Google analytics script and the verify meta tag suggested by the Google webmaster tools. However, even though I do save my changes when I upload the main index.html does not seem to contain either of these changes. Has anyone else experienced this? What I am doing wrong?

    Many thanks

    First question to ask - are you 100% sure you are editing the correct template? (you are uploading via Actinic as well)

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      When I look at the source for my main index page I see: <!-- Act_BrochurePrimary HTML begin --> So I am assuming that act_brochurePrimary.html is the template to edit?

      I then select it in DW from the program files\actinic\site etc folder.

      Its odd


        I then select it in DW from the program files\actinic\site etc folder
        No - use the template manager to open the template.

        The google meta varification goes on your index page not the template.


          Originally posted by RuralWeb
          No - use the template manager to open the template.

          The google meta varification goes on your index page not the template.
          I thought the index page was made by actinic using a template?


            I thought the index page was made by actinic using a template
            It is but the best way to activate the google meta tag is to ftp your index page add the code and upload. The next time you update the home page the code will be removed as it is not needed any more. If you add it to the template it will be perminantly added to every brouchure page on your site.


              Originally posted by RuralWeb
              It is but the best way to activate the google meta tag is to ftp your index page add the code and upload. The next time you update the home page the code will be removed as it is not needed any more. If you add it to the template it will be perminantly added to every brouchure page on your site.
              OIC! Thats a good idea for the validation code, but what about the Google analytics code? I thought that should be on there perminantly?


                I thought that should be on there perminantly?
                Yes it should.

