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Upload with no SSL. Any suggestions?

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    Upload with no SSL. Any suggestions?


    i have uploaded the script on my site without the SSL ..after having some problems..

    Now it seems ok..but there are no SSL on it...

    What shall i do??

    Im afraid to try and do something again in case my site messes up again..

    Any suggestions??

    you need to be more informative with your questions, for us to understand and respond according ly



      I had some problems with the Wizard...when running the SSL..

      The support staff from actinic told me to remove the SSL and try again and he also did some configs in my server...

      So i uploaded without the SSL and it was succesfull... (

      So now i have the shop without the SSL...and i'm afraid to add them again because im scared that im gonna have problems again...

      Can you suggest what to do?? I could get the support staff to answer this question probably the had already finish work...

      so i am asking if someone got any suggestions? Shall i Add the SSL ??

      What shall i do?


        have you asked your host to install an SSL certificate, have you bought shared SSL from actinic.

        Reading your other post, getting an SSL certificate is a little premature.

        if you have an SSL cert this implies you already have both a bank account and the ability to process card holder not present credit card transactions.. It seems you have neither.

        First thing to sort out is how to take payment


          So doesn't actinic software have a builtin SSL??? (Sorry im total new in this e-shopping bussiness)

          Do i need to buy a certificate??

          Do i have to get it from my hosting company or anyone?


            if you are considering Worldpay, as your other thread implies you won't need SSL.

            As I said before get your payment method sorted, then re-address SSL



              Im considering Nochex or SecPay...

              Is it still the same?

              Apply for account first and then SSL??


                If you use a PSP you probably don't need SSL as all secure processing is done on the providers secure server.


                  yes i guess you are right Nice one

