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previous unfixed component bug (with example)

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    additionally, find here an email received from actinic support regarding this issue, since they came up with the solution about the same time I did.

    One of our developers have written a module. Please find the module attached To install and run the module ReSequenceChoices:-

    o Close Actinic backing up the DB
    o Open the site ActinicCatalog.mdb with Access
    o From the menu bar select Insert | Module
    o Right click in the Project
    o From the menu bar select File | Insert
    o Browse to and select ReSequenceChoices.bas
    o ReSequenceChoices should now be listed in the project window under o
    ActinicCatalog.mdb (ActinicCatalog)
    o Double click ReSequenceChoices, the code will be displayed.
    o From the menu bar select Run | Sub/UserForm
    o The fix will display the message 'n choices have been resequenced when
    it's finished
    o Exit Access
    o Restart Actinic
    o Update the web site and check the Components are correctly added to the
    And here is the actual code. i'v tested it, ona broken database, and works as well as my exe does.
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Function ReSequenceChoices()
    Dim rsProdProp As Recordset
    Set rsProdProp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT nParentPropertyID, sStatus, nValue2 FROM ProductProperties WHERE nType = 7 ORDER BY nParentPropertyID, nValue2")
    Dim nParentPropertyID As Integer
    Dim nValue2New As Integer
    Dim nValue2 As Integer
    Dim nCount As Integer
    While Not rsProdProp.EOF
        If rsProdProp![sStatus] = "D" Then
            nValue2New = 0
            If nParentPropertyID <> rsProdProp![nParentPropertyID] Then
                nParentPropertyID = rsProdProp![nParentPropertyID]
                nValue2 = 1
                nValue2 = nValue2 + 1
            End If
            nValue2New = nValue2
        End If
        If nValue2New <> rsProdProp![nValue2] Then
            rsProdProp![nValue2] = nValue2New
            nCount = nCount + 1
        End If
    MsgBox (nCount & " choices have been resequenced")
    End Function


      selecting Component in 7 crash

      Hi gabrielcrowe

      Will this help when selecting Component in 7 I get crash.

      When reopened the component disappeared and moved to the product before the one I selected before the crash. I had to go into the database and delete from ProductProperties, before I could select the component again without crashing. But it crashed again anyway.

      I noticed this when I went online because customers were not choosing Gift Wrapping. I hope they didn't want Gift wrapping, as when I went to order the product and chose gift wrapping it didn't add to cart. This is strange because when I first added the component it did work.

      Are we not suppose to add components to products. Is this just there as a type of game pit fall?

      Do you know of a online database shopping cart that works with sage 2007 line 50? I'm watching my competitors sites race ahead of Actinic, with database login accounts and database searchable products and info..

      I tried your ReSequenceChoices.bas but didn't do anything, probably because I'm just adding a component to a product.


      I deleted the duplicate products and the originals now can have their components selected without crashing.

      Gift Wrapping is now working!
      Last edited by essentialoils; 13-Dec-2006, 08:16 PM. Reason:


        Hi Scott

        Regarding your thread and issue, is it now fixed due to you deleting the duplicate product?

        Please advise.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Componet crash in 7.06

          Hi Nadeem

          Not actually fixed all together. Once I deleted the components in the access database and Once I deleted the duplicate products in GUI. I was able to reinstate the component again in the product and add Gift Wrapping to html for name:. But when I went back and added (please tick if needed) to the html for name: little hour glass not responding happened again. In fact when I change anything in a component It crashes.

          If I delete the product duplicate before changing the original product I do not get a crash when changing component.
          Last edited by essentialoils; 28-Dec-2006, 02:35 PM. Reason: If I delete the product duplicate before changing the original product I do not get a crash when changing component.


            Hi Scott

            I've just gone to reproduce this on my copy of 7.0.6 and didn't get a crash on changing the 'HTML for Name' field for the component.

            It may be worth trying an upgrade and seeing if this fixes the problem. There are lots of fixes to do with duplicates since 7.0.3 so one of these might do the job.

            If that doesn't work, then there is a problem with the database which would need to be investigated by the support team. Feel free to register an email support question here:


              Componet crash in 7.06

              Originally posted by cdicken
              Hi Scott

              I've just gone to reproduce this on my copy of 7.0.6 and didn't get a crash on changing the 'HTML for Name' field for the component.

              It may be worth trying an upgrade and seeing if this fixes the problem. There are lots of fixes to do with duplicates since 7.0.3 so one of these might do the job.

              If that doesn't work, then there is a problem with the database which would need to be investigated by the support team. Feel free to register an email support question here:
              Actually is Componet crash in 7.06, wrote 7.03 wrongly. It's okay if I delete duplicates first then reinstate later. Probably is database problem;Hope 8 fixes it.


                fao Scott, SORRY to hijack thread....

                Your profile does not allow contact, & no Contact Us visible on your website (weird?) try
       - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


                  After months of permutations issues and never getting anywhere with support, I stumbled across this one and thought there may be light at the end of the tunnel after all. And then I read it's a v7 thread

                  On the following page about Nova Tubular Steel Furniture (bloody hell, such an easy plug) the last product (in fact, I think all in this section) has broken components.

                  Click 'Add to Cart' and you get:

                  The following product(s) can not be added to the cart.
                  # You can find the error description(s) by following the link(s).Tubular Steel Octagonal Lounger with Classic Style Cushion

                  Which means: "Illegal component/attribute combination"

                  Several times over the past couple of months I've exported the catalog and re-imported, then manually fixed all the permutations that were listed as being broken. But time and time again, the broken permuations/components reappear from the deep, dark inner workings of Actinic.

                  Can either a member of Actinic Support offer a solution or one of you kind soles of the forum, if I have to export/import and fix 1500 products again I'll go mental



                    Originally posted by grantglendinnin View Post
                    After months of permutations issues and never getting anywhere with support, I stumbled across this one and thought there may be light at the end of the tunnel after all. And then I read it's a v7 thread

                    On the following page about Nova Tubular Steel Furniture (bloody hell, such an easy plug) the last product (in fact, I think all in this section) has broken components.

                    Click 'Add to Cart' and you get:

                    The following product(s) can not be added to the cart.
                    # You can find the error description(s) by following the link(s).Tubular Steel Octagonal Lounger with Classic Style Cushion

                    Which means: "Illegal component/attribute combination"

                    Several times over the past couple of months I've exported the catalog and re-imported, then manually fixed all the permutations that were listed as being broken. But time and time again, the broken permuations/components reappear from the deep, dark inner workings of Actinic.

                    Can either a member of Actinic Support offer a solution or one of you kind soles of the forum, if I have to export/import and fix 1500 products again I'll go mental

                    Hi Grant

                    Having looked through this thread it appears that the information given is still true for a version 9 database, in version 9 there are more fields in the ProductProperties table but the ones mentioned above all exist and follow the same rules. On that basis the code supplied by Actinic that only works with those variables could work with V9 database. If you backup and take lots of copies first I would give it a try, at worst you throwaway a corrupted copy of the database at best you get a working copy . Depends how brave you feel!!!!


                    SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
                    SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
                    Custom Packages


                      Hi Malcolm

                      Thanks for the advice. I have decided to try and bite the bullet while I wait on Support getting back.

                      I have followed the steps provided but Access hits a stumbling block:

                      Run time error 3052

                      File sharing lock count exceeded. Increase MaxLocksPerFile registry entry.

                      Options: End, Debug or Help.

                      I have followed the Microsoft workaround and now receive 'Run time error 6: overflow' - which seems like a complete workaround is needed for the code.

                      Epic fail, support's turn


                        You possibly need to use ADO's batch update method rather than recursively calling the Update method to get round this problem.
                        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                        SellerDeck Hosting
                        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                          Thanks Fergus - perhaps it's time to dig deep and see what I can do.

                          Just been notified there's another section on the site with bizarre permutation problems



                            You could try something like the following. It simply uses the same SQL, just slightly differently, with a batch update as well.

                            Simply copy/paste into a notepad file, save notepad file with a .vbs extension and then double click.
                            It will prompt you to select your relevant "site1" folder and then of it runs.

                            Back up before hand etc.

                            siteFolder = pickFolder("C:\")
                            mydb = siteFolder + "\ActinicCatalog.mdb"
                            StrSQL ="SELECT nParentPropertyID, sStatus, nValue2 FROM ProductProperties WHERE nType = 7 ORDER BY nParentPropertyID, nValue2"
                            nCount = 0
                            'create ADO objects
                            Set OBJdbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
                            Set rsProdProp = CreateObJect("ADODB.Recordset")
                            'Open db Connection
                            OBJdbConnection.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & mydb
                            'Open recordset
                            While Not rsProdProp.EOF
                                If (rsProdProp("sStatus") = "D") Then
                                    nValue2New = 0
                                    If (nParentPropertyID <> rsProdProp("nParentPropertyID")) Then
                                        nParentPropertyID = rsProdProp("nParentPropertyID")
                                        nValue2 = 1
                                        nValue2 = nValue2 + 1
                                    End If
                                    nValue2New = nValue2
                                End If
                                If (nValue2New <> rsProdProp("nValue2")) Then
                                    rsProdProp("nValue2") = nValue2New
                                    nCount = nCount + 1
                                End If
                            'perform batch update
                            MsgBox (nCount & " choices have been resequenced")
                            Function pickFolder(strStartDir)
                                Dim SA, F
                                Set SA = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
                                Set F = SA.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose the folder that contains the Actinic database you wish to work on.", 0, strStartDir)
                                If (Not F Is Nothing) Then
                                      PickFolder = F.Items.Item.path
                                End If
                                Set F = Nothing
                                Set SA = Nothing
                            End Function
                            Note: I have not tested the logic of the SQL thoroughly, just reused SQL provided. All I have done is implemented the .UpdateBatch method to the recordset really.
                            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                            SellerDeck Hosting
                            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                              Thanks a lot Fergus - I've decided 'to hell with it' - people can't buy online at the moment so I may as well try it and upload the site - can't make things any worse I suppose..and there's the 3 duplicate backups I've taken, just in case! The VB script has executed and resequenced 30402 items, so I'd assume your SQL is spot on - uploading now...



                                Originally posted by grantglendinnin View Post
                                so I'd assume your SQL is spot on
                                not my SQL remember, so can't guarantee it, but earlier posts indicates it should work.

                                Originally posted by grantglendinnin View Post
                                - uploading now...
                                Good luck.
                                My code was really just to try and tackle the problem you experienced.

                                Let us know if it worked or not
                                Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                                Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                                SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                                SellerDeck Hosting
                                SellerDeck Digital Marketing

