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Help required please

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    Help required please

    wonder if there is anyway you can help me.

    I have been running Actinic 7 with HSBC for 3 years now without any problems but have changed banks. This has meant changing over to Streamline and Protx.

    When changing over I have been advised by the Actinic guide that certain changes in the “OCCPROTXScriptTemplate” file must be made i.e. my password should be entered where the coding has my $sPassword = 'testvendor'; and my email address should be entered at my $sConfirmationEMail = '';

    Also in the OCCupgrade ini. file to increment by 1.

    I have also downloaded the patch recommended.

    I have made these changes and when I upload the files to my site I receive the following error message at checkout :

    Error executing the on-line credit card plug-in script. Global symbol "@flackengravers" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 66. Global symbol "$sPROTXURL" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 66. Global symbol "$sPROTXURL" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 66. syntax error at (eval 40) line 73, near "" ''; ###################################################################### my $sPROTXURL = ''; if ($bTestMode) { # $sPROTXURL = "http" Global symbol "$sPROTXURL" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 73. Global symbol "$sPROTXURL" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 74. Global symbol "$sPROTXURL" requires explicit package name at (eval 40) line 76.

    Can anyone please help.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Tom

    I think someone in support will need to take a look at the changes you have made to the script to ensure everything is all done correctly.

    Could I encourage you to register an email query at


      Hi Tom,

      I'm guessing that you have missing or extra quote symbol.
      You could post the changed lines here and we can have a look (don't forget to replace the password with asterisks or something).



        Help please

        Hello Allan and Chris and thank you for replying for my plea for help.

        I have tried to upload the Actinic file that required the changes but unfortunately this site does not allow it to upload for some reason it says invalid file. I have pasted and copied the coding in a post i will do after this one and would very much appreciate if you could glance through the coding to see if you can find any problems.

        Again....many thanks for your help Allan and Chris, i had began to think there was no one out there that could help me.



          Coding (1)

          # - code part of OCC script
          # Copyright (c) Actinic Software Ltd 2001 All rights reserved
          # *** Do not change this code unless you know what you are doing ***
          # Written by George Menyhert
          # Adapted for PROTX VPS Version 2.2 by Mat Peck - 27/05/2002
          # Includes simple XOR encryption and Base64 encode functions
          # This script is called by an eval() function and it will already
          # have the following variables set up:
          # Expects: $::sOrderNumber - the alphanumeric order number for this order
          # $::nOrderTotal - the total for this order (stored in based currency format e.g. 1000 = $10.00)
          # %::PriceFormatBlob - the price format data
          # %::InvoiceContact - the customer invoice contact information
          # %::OCCShipData - the customer delivery contact information
          # $::sCallBackURLAuth - the URL of the authorization callback script
          # $::sCallBackURLBack - the URL of the backup script
          # $::sCallBackURLUser - the URL of the receipt script
          # $::sPath - the path to the Catalog directory
          # $::sWebSiteUrl - the Catalog web site URL
          # $::sContentUrl - the content URL
          # Affects: $::eStatus - the status of the transaction:
          # $::FAILURE - Failure
          # $::ACCEPTED - Accepted
          # $::REJECTED - Rejected
          # $::PENDING - Pending
          # $::sErrorMessage - error message if any
          # $::sHTML - the HTML to display
          # $Revision: 3 $


            Coding (continued)

            use strict;

            $::eStatus = $::PENDING; # The OCC plug-in runs in pending mode. This script does not
            # perform the transaction. Rather, it forwards the customer to
            # the OCC site for completion.
            my (%VarTable);

            # PROTX VPS Specific constants here

            my $sPassword = '******************';
            my $sConfirmationEMail = '';


            my $sPROTXURL = '';

            if ($bTestMode) {
            # $sPROTXURL = "http://localhost/";
            $sPROTXURL = "";
            } else {
            # $sPROTXURL = "http://localhost/";
            $sPROTXURL = "";


            ## Shared Script, different HTML templates;

            $VarTable{$::VARPREFIX . 'OCC_URL'} = # insert the OCC web site URL into the HTML template

            # only the Vendor name, Protocol ID and Transaction type are plain text for VPS
            # all other values are passed in the encrypted CRYPT field
            # First add the plain text values

            my $sHiddenValues;
            my $sCrypt;

            $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"VPSProtocol\" VALUE=\"2.22\">\n";
            $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"TxType\" VALUE=\"PAYMENT\">\n";
            $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"Vendor\" VALUE=\"$sMerchantID\">\n";

            # build up a string of all other values to encrypt and place in the crypt field

            # VendorTxCode needs a random element to ensure this code has not been used before
            $sCrypt .= "VendorTxCode=". $::sOrderNumber . "-" . int(rand(100000)) . "&";

            # VPS requires decimal places in the amount (not lowest digits, so work them out).

            my $nNumDigits = $::PriceFormatBlob{"ICURRDIGITS"}; # read the currency format values
            my ($nAmount, $nFactor, $sAmount);
            if(defined $nNumDigits) {$nFactor = (10 ** $nNumDigits);} else {$nFactor = 100;}
            $sAmount = sprintf("%d.%02d", $::nOrderTotal / $nFactor, $::nOrderTotal % $nFactor);

            $sCrypt .= "Amount=". $sAmount . "&";
            $sCrypt .= "Currency=". $::PriceFormatBlob{SINTLSYMBOLS} . "&";
            $sCrypt .= "Description=Items from ". $sMerchantID . "&";

            # URLs:
            # Strip them out and URL encode them for inclusion in the completion URL.
            # AUTH - the URL to create the authorization blob
            # BACK - the URL to return to the Catalog checkout process
            # USER - the URL to the receipt script

            $sCrypt .= "SuccessURL=".$sPROTXURL."vps2Form/ActSuccess.asp?ActVendor=" .$sMerchantID. "&ActAmount=" . $::nOrderTotal . "&AuthURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLAuth);
            $sCrypt .= "&InvoiceURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLUser) . "&";
            $sCrypt .= "FailureURL=".$sPROTXURL."vps2Form/ActFail.asp?ActVendor=" .$sMerchantID. "&RedirectURL=" . Base64Encode($::sCallBackURLBack) . "&";

            # add the invoice address and customer name
            $sCrypt .= "CustomerName=" . $::InvoiceContact{NAME} . "&";
            $sCrypt .= "BillingAddress=" . $::InvoiceContact{NAME} . "\n";
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{JOBTITLE})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{JOBTITLE} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{COMPANY})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{COMPANY} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS1})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS1} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS2})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS2} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS3})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS3} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS4})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{ADDRESS4} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{COUNTRY})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::InvoiceContact{COUNTRY} . "\n"; }

            # add the invoice post code

            $sCrypt .= "&BillingPostCode=" . substr($::InvoiceContact{POSTALCODE}, 0, 10);

            if (length($::InvoiceContact{PHONE})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "&ContactNumber=" . $::InvoiceContact{PHONE}; }
            if (length($::InvoiceContact{FAX})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "&ContactFax=" . $::InvoiceContact{FAX}; }

            # add the delivery address
            $sCrypt .= "&DeliveryAddress=" . $::OCCShipData{NAME} . "\n";
            if (length($::OCCShipData{JOBTITLE})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{JOBTITLE} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{COMPANY})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{COMPANY} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS1})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS1} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS2})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS2} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS3})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS3} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{ADDRESS4})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{ADDRESS4} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{COUNTRY})!=0) { $sCrypt .= $::OCCShipData{COUNTRY} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{PHONE})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "Tel: " . $::OCCShipData{PHONE} . "\n"; }
            if (length($::OCCShipData{FAX})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "Fax: " . $::OCCShipData{FAX} . "\n"; }

            if (length($::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "&DeliveryPostCode=" . substr($::OCCShipData{POSTALCODE}, 0, 10); }

            # Add confirmation email addresses if present.

            if (length($::InvoiceContact{EMAIL})!=0) { $sCrypt .= "&CustomerEMail=" . $::InvoiceContact{EMAIL}; }
            if (length($sConfirmationEMail)!=0) { $sCrypt .= "&VendorEMail=" . $sConfirmationEMail; }

            # Add new 2.22 fields as well

            $sCrypt .= "&eMailMessage=You can put your own message in here";
            $sCrypt .= "&AllowGiftAid=0";
            $sCrypt .= "&ApplyAVSCV2=0";
            $sCrypt .= "&Apply3DSecure=0";

            # add the crypt field to the POST

            $sCrypt = Base64Encode(SimpleXOR($sCrypt,$sPassword));
            $sHiddenValues .= "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"Crypt\" VALUE=\"$sCrypt\">\n";

            # Original OCC Script routines continue...

            $VarTable{$::VARPREFIX . 'OCC_VALUES'} = # add the OCC values to the template

            my $sLinkHTML = 'occlink.html';
            if(defined $::g_pPaymentList)
            $sLinkHTML = $$::g_pPaymentList{ActinicOrder::PaymentStringToEnum($::g_PaymentInfo{'METHOD'})}{BOUNCE_HTML};
            @Response = ACTINIC::TemplateFile($::sPath . $sLinkHTML, \%VarTable); # build the file

            if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
            $::eStatus = $::FAILURE; # return a plug-in error
            $::sErrorMessage = $Response[1];
            return ($::SUCCESS); # always return success if the script runs

            @Response = ACTINIC::MakeLinksAbsolute($Response[2], $::sWebSiteUrl, $::sContentUrl);
            if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
            $::eStatus = $::FAILURE; # return a plug-in error
            $::sErrorMessage = $Response[1];
            return ($::SUCCESS); # always return success if the script runs

            $::sHTML = $Response[2]; # grab the resulting HTML
            # process the test mode warning
            my ($sDelimiter) = $:ELPREFIX . 'TESTMODE';
            if ($bTestMode) # only include the test mode block if we are in test mode
            $::sHTML =~ s/$sDelimiter//g; # remove the delimiter text
            else # not in test mode - remove the block
            $::sHTML =~ s/$sDelimiter(.*?)$sDelimiter//gs; # remove the test mode warning blob (/s removes the \n limitation of .)

            return ($::SUCCESS);

            # End of Original

            # Base64 encoding
            sub Base64Encode ($;$)
            my $res = "";
            my $eol = $_[1];
            $eol = "\n" unless defined $eol;
            pos($_[0]) = 0; # ensure start at the beginning

            $res = join '', map( pack('u',$_)=~ /^.(\S*)/, ($_[0]=~/(.{1,45})/gs));

            $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; # `# help emacs
            # fix padding at the end
            my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
            $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
            return $res;

            # Base64 decoding
            sub Base64Decode ($)
            local($^W) = 0;

            my $str = shift;
            $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+=/||cd; # remove non-base64 chars
            if (length($str) % 4) {
            require Carp;
            Carp::carp("Length of base64 data not a multiple of 4")
            $str =~ s/=+$//; # remove padding
            $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|; # convert to uuencoded format

            return join'', map( unpack("u", chr(32 + length($_)*3/4) . $_),
            $str =~ /(.{1,60})/gs);

            # SimpleXor password encryption
            sub SimpleXOR ($;$)
            my $plain = $_[0];
            my $password = $_[1];
            my $passstring = $_[1];
            my $res = "";

            while (length($passstring) <= length($plain)) { $passstring .= $password; }
            $passstring = substr($passstring,0,length($plain));

            $res = $plain ^ $passstring;

            return $res;




              I've had a look and the modifed strings look ok. I notice that the script is revision 3 and mine (installed in Feb this year) is Revision 4. You might want to go back over Protx's instructions carefully and check that you haven't missed a step.

              Otherwise, follow Chris's advice and contact Actinic support.


