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The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server.

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    The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server.

    I am looking after a site developed in actinic 5 and recently the owner has started recieving the following error

    The CGI scripts are not executing properly on the server. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

    no changes have been made on the site apart from adding the odd product during the time this has started happening and it seem to becoming more frequent.

    I have reviewed the website configuration and nothing seems any different.

    the owner seems to be suggesting it happens when they are sending emails - but I don't use actinic myself so am not sure how this works?.

    my first thought is it is increased server load causing the script to react a bit slow, but i am not sure as hits aren't up particularly.

    any help much appreciated.


    its probably a hosting issue, who is the host? If perchance its claranet do a forum search for recent changes there

    have you done a network settings wizard test>

    Have you refreshed the site?


      Thanks foir the suggestions.
      the site is being hosted through webfusion and has been running fine for 8 months without any problems. As far As i know the server config hasn't changed and the server is running linux.

      I did the network test and didn't have any problems reported.

      I have refreshed the website and Am waiting to see if this helps.

      I am still convinved it is sporadic server over loads, but everytime I check it, it seems to work fine and in fact quite quickly.



        Did you get anywhere with this?

        I have a similar problem although I am trying to move a version 5 site from an old Webfusion server ( to a new one at Webfusion/Pipex (

        Does version 5 need older perl scripts on the server to install correctly?

        The wizard seems to stall at perl installation then requests a diffrent path to perl to continue.



          In the end i just moved the site to a new server. I find pipex support quite poor realy and they still havent come back with a real answer why this was happening.

          When I moved over to the new server everything worked fine and has done so for a while now so I can only assume it was a problem with the server, may be just not able to handle the load but i am not sure and obviously they wouldn't admit this.

          is you problem happening all the time or just now and again?



            Thanks for the quick reply.

            I have found Pipex support to be generally very poor since they took over Webfusion a while back and I have started using other hosts for my more recent sites. They don't seem to have anyone with any knowledge about Actinic and their support page with the Actinic settings has errors and only applies to the old hosting platform (this admission from their own support).

            After a full day down just before Christmas I have given up for the time being and moved the site back to the old server which is unreliable and not a long term solution but at least the site is up.

            I believe the problem could be related to Actinic v5 being designed to work with an earlier version of Perl. The old server is on v5.6.1 and the new server is on v5.8 - could this version be incompatible with Catalog v5?

            Actinic Support replied to my emailed query about this with a very unhelpful 'we don't support v5 anymore' message. Any online input from Actinic at this stage would be very helpful.



              I went with another host (don't know if I can mentione their name here?) in the end who were very helpful and said they have most versions of actinic on their servers and I found it easy to setup. I also felt confident that if I had any problems that they would have been able to help as they seemed to know what they were talking about.

              I agree re webfusion/pipex.
              Since the change over in ownership i have run up against a number of issues that they have just not been helpfull at all about. They don;t seem to have enough techs that know what they are talking about.

              Face it the, Hoff doesn;t know nothing about hosting


                Actinic Support replied to my emailed query about this with a very unhelpful 'we don't support v5 anymore' message. Any online input from Actinic at this stage would be very helpful.
                Unfortunately none of our support team have ever seen version 5, so it's not really possible for them to be able to support it.

                All I can really suggest is looking at a different web host, as jayzee suggests.


                  Thanks for the replies chris and jayzee.

                  I will look to use another host but I must say I find it surprising that Actinic cannot say confirm whether v5 is compatible with the latest version of perl or not.




                    I've got v5 running on the same webserver as 6,7 and 8

                    ie on perl 5.85


                      Thanks Jo!

                      That confirms that the problem is either with the server or with the Actinic settings for the server. As Actinic do not support v5 anymore and Pipex cannot offer support the best course of action seems to be to take my hosting account elsewhere.


                        post your V5 settings..... without username and password.

                        V5 settings are not rocket science - I don't understand why actinicdon't support older versions as the network settings are the same as 6,7 and 8


                          I don't want to take this thread off topic, so apologies for this post. But actinic have now even stopped doing free email support for V6. From the last newsletter;

                          As part of our support policy, we commit to providing free email support to users of the current and previous version of our product range. Now that the v8 has been released we will be discontinuing free email support of Actinic v6 and prior versions from 1 December 2006.

                          Developer and Cover subscribers will continue to receive support for all versions from v4 onwards. Free support remains available on the Actinic Community.
                          It does say though that cover subscribers are still covered from V4 onwards. Not sure what they're supposed to do if none of them have even seen V5 as per Chris' post above.


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            I guess it is acceptable to drop free support for older versions of actinic, I am just suprised there is no one in house who has seen actinic pre V7. Doesn't anyone stay at actinic for longer than 2 years?

                            I helped someone out recently with V3 network settings - to be honest there was nothing different in v3 as to what you see in later versions, thus v5 is just the same as later versions too


                              I am just suprised there is no one in house who has seen actinic pre V7. Doesn't anyone stay at actinic for longer than 2 years?
                              Yes - but version 5 is over 4 years old now.

