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PC crashed in middle of order download

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    PC crashed in middle of order download

    Hi. I was happily downloading my orders when my *!&*()* PC crashed on the final order - I got the blue screen of death. When I've rebooted and tried to download again there's no order left to download so as far as the server is concerned it's a done deal.

    Actinic isn't showing the order on any tab so it clearly didn't retrieve the details.

    Anyone have any idea how I might retrieve the missing payment details (I have the order confirmation email)? I'd rather not contact the customer for payment details again if I can avoid it.
    Amin Motin
    First Choice Aquatics Ltd
    0870 8964698
    Offering a fine range of high quality branded aquarium and pond products

    I'm assuming you process your c/cards manually. If so then you'll have to contact the customer again. If it's a PSP then you should be able to trace the order from your account with them to confirm payment completion.

    Don't be shy to call your customer - most would accept that as good service - you can always use some excuse that the details appear to be incorrect or that you want to spot check against fraud.


      Thanks for the reply Duncan - yes, it's manual cc processing. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and contact the customer. In a way it's quite a validation that the process is secure since even I can't get at the details!

      I've checked the Actinic catalog mdb manually and there's no hint of that final order - not even scrambled.

      Thank goodness I have the 'send copy of order email' enabled.
      Amin Motin
      First Choice Aquatics Ltd
      0870 8964698
      Offering a fine range of high quality branded aquarium and pond products


        I'd recommend you check over your PC - something caused the crash - and it may happen again!

