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Annoying little problem..

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    Annoying little problem..


    I'm just busy tweaking a web site that has been running for a while, and I have a little problem on the home page that I can't seem to solve.

    I have 15 seperate sections that appear on the home page as just section titles and images, all are aligned centre to keep a uniformed feel, however the last few sections are aligning left rather than centre. I know this is something to do with the length of the section name, as if I increase the section name to be greater than the table cell width it alligns centre.

    Any help would be apprieciated.


    You could try fixing the width of the table on the Act_SectionLine template. The drawback might be that the page won't then stretch.


      It looks to me like they are all aligned left except for section 6 which is aligned centre.
      I would try making all your graphics the same width, and wide enough to accomodate your title width, padding out the sides where necessary.
      You can do this by creating a blank (same colour as your background), to a set width, then pasting the image into the centre of the blank.
      The images could do with this sort of treatment anyway, as they don't line up nicely as they are at the moment. With a bit of experimentation in a simple graphics package, you should be able to get them both horizontally and vertically aligned.
      Remember to include a blank 16th section, to keep all rows equal.



        Thanks for your help, I've done some tweaking and it looks a lot better now.



          Steven - may be worth ticking the "compact cgi / html" option under Design | Options | Miscellaneous to help speed the site along a little quicker

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

