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total cart quantity discount or alternative

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    total cart quantity discount or alternative

    Hi, i am sellin training courses, i am trying to make my ordering system as simple as possible.

    i have a selection of 5 courses. individual price per course is £390

    there are different discounts based on how many you buy, but you can purchase them in any combination.

    1 Course=£390
    2 Courses=£690
    3 Courses=£1045
    4 Courses=£1275
    5 Courses=£1499

    also they can choose a date via a drop box for each course they choose

    i have each course as a product with 1 component(the date box)

    they choose each module they want with the checkbox which is a quantity input defaulted to 1.

    i cant use permutations because this means i have to use radio buttons of yes and no to select whether they want each course or not, because if i change my radio buttons to a checkbox, the permutations tab doesnt recognise if a checkbox is checked or unchecked.

    i have set up quantity based discounts for my product group which has my 5 courses in.

    i need to either have total cart quantity discounts or something similar, i tried discounts triggered by cart value, but this caused confusions with the prices and did not work correctly.....any help would be appreciated.

    Attached Files

    You need one product with 5 components called 'First Choice', 'Second Choice', 'Third Choice' etc. For each component create an attribute and choices with all 5 dates. Set each component as optional, but use the 'None' option for the 'no choice' selection.

    You can then set up the quantity dependent pricing on the main product - and have a quantity field there - but use 'Design | Text' to replace the word 'Quantity' with 'How many courses are you ordering'. Then you can say 'please make your choices below'.


      Hi Chris, thx for the preply, the problems i could see with this is that i have no way of seperating the generated checkbox from the attribute.

      using NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTS lists them all together and NETQUOTEVAR:VARIANTSELECTORn only displays the choice mechanism.

      also there is no way for me to apply the price permutations as i need the permutations based on the modules they select rather than the dates.

      i decided to keep it as it was with 5 products using the quantity box as a selection mechanism and an attribute for each for the date, this allows me to sepperate the checkbox and the date choice box.

      but my only problem with this was applying the discounts based on the courses they pick.

      i tried discounts based on total cart value, but as in my other post, it seems to only apply the discount to the lowest exceeded cart value.

      e.g - if they buy any 2 modules,
      cart value comes to £780 and they receive a discount of £320
      if they buy any 3 modules,
      cart value comes to £1170 and they receive a discount of £470

      etc....but it always applies the £320 discount no matter what the cart value is.



        The order that you list the discounts (in View| Discounts and Surcharges Settings) is important. Put the highest price threshhold at the top of the list, and the lowest price threshhold at the bottom.

