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multiple cart value discounts

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    multiple cart value discounts

    i am trying to set up a discount system where you receive a different discount based on the value of your cart.

    My problem is it only applies the lowest diso and nothing above that.

    i have 5 products...

    cart total trigger=£780 - discount = £320
    cart total trigger=£1170 - discount = £473
    cart total trigger=£1560 - discount = £710
    cart total trigger=£1950 - discount = £950

    i have these set up in the cart contents tab of the discounts

    but if my cart total exceeds £1170, £1560 or £1950 it still only applies the discount of £ there a way around this.?

    Hi Steven

    What you would do, is to put the highest discount above, then go down to the lowest. Therefore in the discounting part of Actinic, the discount list should show as:

    cart total trigger=£1950 - discount = £950
    cart total trigger=£1560 - discount = £710
    cart total trigger=£1170 - discount = £473
    cart total trigger=£780 - discount = £320
    So if the cart total was priced at 800, it would just go right down to put a discount of £320

    Hope that helps

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

