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Froogle Export Not Accepted By

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    Froogle Export Not Accepted By

    A few changes have to be made to be accepted by Froggle...just thought you should know:

    Here is there response to our data feed submission.

    Please remove all quotes, which are surrounding fields of product
    information, from your feed file.

    Please make sure the prices that appear in your data feed match the US. Dollar prices that appear on your product pages, or we will be unable to process your feed. Please also change your currency to USD instead

    Problem no.2 is a difficult one, as we show GBP and USD prices, but they only accept can we export USD prices ?

    Mike - the internet portal for freemasonry

    I have had this trouble too. There are other issues in the feed that need to be resolved. Problem with Froogle is they only tell you one problem at a time. I now have to undertake about 6 modifications to the file that is exported.

    The most common problem is the image url's are incorrect. These need to be hand amended (or spreadsheet global chnage). You also get extra quotes in some of the descrition fields.

    Actinic are aware of the image url issue and have promised a fix in the next release.

    Because of the one problem at a time replies from Froogle it took me nearly 3 weeks to get products on as they take 4/5 days to reply to each upload.

    Hope that helps


      Mike / Alistair

      Thanks for your comments. I have raised these with the development team, and if there are any short term solutions I'll post them here.

      Ben Popplestone
      Ecommerce website software



        At the moment, Froogle is just supporting US sites so the primary currency on your site will need to be USD. It is unlikely that Actinic will develop a datafeed that takes the secondary currency. So the options are to either switch to displaying prices in USD to fit Froogle's guidelines, or to wait for the international Froogle.

        Regarding the quotes in your product description text, I would try using &amp;quot; instead (you will have to embed these within !!< and >!!).

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          Froogle is not limited to US sites, anyone can be included so long as they sell to the US and show prices in dollars, which means that sites such as mine that have US dollars as a secondary currency can be included. I think that there are many sites out there that cannot use the froogle feed at the moment because you do not provide the facility to convert the catalog currency to US$. I think that this would be an easy option to add as the currency rates are available within Actinic already. I think that this is an option that you should include - it would make the feed useful to a lot more people.

          Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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            Hi Jan

            By US sites, I mean those sites for which the main market is the US and therefore displays the primary currency in USD. However, having searched on Froogle and viewed some of the British sites that are listed and don't display USD as primary currency, I take your point. I've relayed this to development and added it to the wishlist.

            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              Thank you Ben. I as still using my handtyped initial froogle export and would really like to be able to use a generated export to get everything up to date.

              Many thanks,
              Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
              Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

              Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
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                Hi all

                thanks for the info..........i think Actinic should look at this as soon as possible because their efforts in development of this export option has been a waist of time to-date, as most wont be able to use it.

       - the internet portal for freemasonry

