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Restoring an order...

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    Restoring an order...

    I had to go to a backup today on my software and I am now missing one of the orders that came through today

    does anyone know how to recover it (if possible) ?
    Mostly Undercontruction...

    Reload the snapshot you took prior to rolling the software back then re-import the older snapshot but ensure when you see the option do not tick "import orders" ... that will take your site back to the old snapshot but leave the orders as they were.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Strange coincidence - I'm here today looking for the answer to this problem. Here's what happened:

      Last evening immediately before closing, took a backup of the Orders PC and one of the Content PC, to which new items had been added.

      This morning, booted the Orders and downloaded a couple that that come in overnight, then restored the Content backup to the orders PC without overwriting orders. Done this loads of times over the last eighteen months. Horror of horrors, the database completely disappeared!

      So I was able to restore last nights backup, overwriting orders, but am missing the last two. Is it possible to recover anything from the server?

      Is Jont saying that I should have backed up the very latest Orders PC before restoring the non-overwriting Content, even though I had backed up two orders before?

      Where did the database go? (Not in recycle bin).
      Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

      Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


        You should always back up before re-instating a snapshot - just in case anything goes pear-shaped and you need to roll back... its a pain but best to be safe.

        If you have downloaded the orders they should have been deleted from the server - may be worth taking a peek by FTP'ing to the site and into the /actalog/ folder to see if the .ORD files are there.

        Has the whole database gone or just the missing orders? If the database have you checked the contents of the ACD file (it is basically a ZIP file) and tried re-instating again. If the database is there could you have changed the sort order on the tabs and the new orders are elsewhere in the list? Always a possibility the last one.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Hadn't replied before, was waiting for a quiet moment to test:

          I suddenly thought, 'DOH! - it will be in the' because that is produced when you import a site snapshot.

          However, it isn't in there either, the file is only a few kb in size. (Not that Windows will let me open it anyway).

          So the database did indeed disappear, totally.
 - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

          Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

