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confirmation of order e-mail

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    confirmation of order e-mail

    I have set up actinic with the company e-mail address as '' I have also set it up to send an e-mail to customer to confirm this order has been recived. However, I want this e-mail to come from the address '' which is an e-mail account we have set up for sending these e-mails only. We don't want to customers to use this address when contacting us and I will be adding a paragraph to the e-mail template letting them know that they shouldn't reply to the message and they should instead go to our contact us page.

    I have already set up an 'auto responder' on the auto-orders mailbox so if they do reply to this address they get a message back.

    How can I set up actinic so that the e-mail address displayed on the site is '' but the confirmation of order email arrives from ''?


    Hi Dave

    You need to change your general email adress (in 'Business Settings | Company/Contact') to be the the one you want to use for your emails. Then in order to change the email address for the 'Contact Us' form a little Perl change is required...

    Open the file called '' within your 'Site1' folder in Notepad. Then search for SendMailToMerchant
    change the line
    $sEmailRecpt = $::g_InputHash{'EmailAddress'};
    $sEmailRecpt = 'email address to be used';

    Make sure you put a '\' before the '@' symbol though.

    e.g. $sEmailRecpt = 'customer-service\';

