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Can Actinic Add Up ?

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    Can Actinic Add Up ?

    Hi there
    We have a problem in the way Actinic does its sums when an order has discount and adjustments:

    Example :

    Product price: £509.79 net
    Adjustment for shipping £12 net, normal vat
    Discount: 30%

    Actinic says £509.79 + £12 = 521.79
    Discount -£152.94
    Subtotal £368.85
    VAT £63.92
    Total £432.77

    On the face of it this looks fine, BUT if you go back to check it, it is wrong:

    Actinic says £432.77 - VAT = £368.85

    but my calculator and Sage says £432.77 - VAT@17.5% = £368.31

    Whats going on ?


    Beats me.

    the calculation is right up to the £368.85 bit, but then VAT at 17.5% should be £64.55 not £63.92, giving a total of £433.40.

    It looks as if VAT is being calculated at 17.33% (or thereabouts) which is clearly wrong.

    If I were you I'd check that the product(s) and shipping charges have the right VAT value entered.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      I had something like this recently. Customer 'accidentally' ordered two copies of a £14.99 (inc vat) product, then sent one back as unwanted. I processed the refund by changing the product count on the original order from 2 to 1.
      Lo and behold, Actinc calculates a refund of £15.00. To keep the books straight I just gave them the extra penny in the refund. As the customer was a shopkeeper (B&M), they thought it was quite amusing.

      Alan Compton
      Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street
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        Yes, actinic works out VAT for multiple quantities by multiplying the ex-VAT price by the number ordered and then calculating the VAT on the total.

        So where actinic has rounded VAT down to the nearest penny on an individual product, the rounding may be up when multiple quantities are ordered. When this happens, which it does fairly regularly for me, you're overcharging the customer which is a) illegal and b) extremely confusing for the customer.

        The correct way to calculate VAT is on the unit that the customer orders and then multiply it appropriately by the number of units ordered.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          The example seems to be on one single product, so it must be an error to be that far out, unless you have custom vat setup on the product.


            Hi there
            Thanks for all the replies. The product is set up as VAT normal.

            It seems to happen when you have both an Adjustment added (in this case for additional carriage at 12 + standard VAT) and also a % discount applied.

            Perhaps someone could setup a test product and make an order with the same figures and see what happens ?



              It looks as if actinic is charging the full £12 adjustment, but discounting the VAT on the adjustment by 30%.

              Actinic says £509.79 + £12 = 521.79
              Discount -£152.94
              Subtotal £368.85
              VAT £63.92 (this is 17.5% of £356.85 plus 17.5% of (£12 x 0.7))
              Total £432.77

              the question I have is do you want the £12 adjustment discounted or not? If yes, then the bug lies in Actinic NOT discounting the £12, if not then the bug lies in actinic discounting the VAT on the £12 adjustment by 30%.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


