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Cookie Error

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    Cookie Error

    I have recently taken over support for an existing Actinic shopping site - my first one.

    The site runs okay in it's existing location but needs to be moved to a new server. For test purposes it has been uploaded to

    When run from the new location and add an item to the basket we get a cookie error using IE. We can get over that by changing the Internet Options/ Privacy from Medium to Low. We have tried this from two locations using different PCs.

    But why is it that it works okay on both PCs set to Medium on the old site but needs the Low setting on both accessing the development site?

    I've looked for similar threads and one suggestion is to check the date/time on server. I've done this and it is set to GMT.


    Looking at the privcay report, the cookie appears to be coming from:

    Which is obviously from a different domain. Browsers will block cookies from different domains when privacy is set to medium or higher.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike - you've put me on the right track.
      If I come in using instead of it works okay. (bytewaysv1 points to comberacing)

      I want to set the site up in folder V1dev/acatalog then point the existing live domain to that folder. Will I have to put cgi files in a folder such as V1Dev/cgi-bin?

      If so what permissions have to be set by my ISP on this new cgi folder. (I tried just setting one up but got permissions failure when testing from Actinic).

      Should what I am doing work okay, i.e. domain web forwards to with cgi at V1Dev/cgi-bin?

      Thanks for your prompt reply.




        I've always found that it is easier to have the cgi-bin and catalog folders at the same level but you can put then anywhere. You just need to make sure that they appear on the same domain and that the network paths in actinics network setup are correct.

        Permissions on the cgi bin should be 755 (in unix talk). If it's a windows server then you'll have a quick search on this forum to find the equivalent. If you are on unix then you should be able to set the permissions with your ftp program.

        I can't answer your question on forwarding. It can mean different things to different people and I've never really used it myself.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


