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Components are doubling the postage

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    Components are doubling the postage


    I've done a search of the Forum and Knowledgebase without success to try and solve the following problem...

    I have a product which has 2 components + attributes + choices

    when I add the product to the shopping cart the postage is exactly doubled !
    I have free shipping to UK which works fine, but overseas shipping is twice as much as it should be. I can always reduce the weight of the product to half it's real value to solve the problem but this seems a botched solution.

    I checked the weights are correct and that the shipping tables are ok. If I delete 1 component then the shipping is correct. Am I missing something or is there a better way of doing things ?

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Are you using hidden products for the options? If so make sure they have 0 in their weight.


      Hi Lee,

      Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I'm not using any hidden products so at the moment I'm at a loss as to what the problem might be - if all else fails I can always resort to halving the weight of the product, but this seems a kludgy way of doing it. I'm probably missing something terribly obvious on this one !



        Do you have product and components in separate lines in the basket? Might the quantities be getting added together?

        Does the problem go away if you restrict it to one line?
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Hi Bill,

          I've tried with the product and component on separate lines and not on separate lines and I still get the same problem. It would appear that the product weight is being doubled hence the doubling of the postage charge. It looks as though I may have to resort to halving the product weight to get it to charge the correct amount of postage.
          I have free postage to UK addresses and this works ok, but for any overseas destination the charge is double what it should be, most odd.
          Guess I'll have to keep plugging away at it or remove one of the components to see whether that will sort it out.



            If you have stock control on your hidden products then set the weight on those.
            Set the descriptive visable product to zero and make sure that it is set to sum of components.

            You may be adding the two products together.

            Ph: 0845 838 1 839
            Skype: GiftsLine


              Hi Duncan,

              Thanks for the info, unfortunately I'm not using hidden products, but your reply got me thinking and I seem to have cracked it - whether this is the correct way though is another matter !

              In the 'Permutations' grid of the component details section, I selected 'none' for the product rather than the name of the product itself in the drop down list. Glad to say that the postage now appears correctly as per the shipping tables.

              Thanks to everyone for their help, it's much appreciated.



                So you were associating the component with the main product and this meant every time the component was added it used another one of the main product.

                I did not know it was possible to self-associate like that, but then I had never tried it.....
                Last edited by wjcampbe; 03-Dec-2006, 07:24 PM. Reason: sorting out product and component
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  Hi Bill,

                  Yes, I was associating the component with the main product as I thought that was how it should be done !

                  In the 'Permutations' matrix the main product was listed together with all the other products in the catalogue, so I just chose what seemed to be the obvious product as I didn't want to associate the component with any other product - we live and learn.

                  Thanks to everyone for all your help and pointing me in the right direction.

                  Last edited by Dragon Slayer; 03-Dec-2006, 11:14 PM. Reason: spelling mistake

