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mail error

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    mail error

    I have had a look on the forum to find answers to this problem, unfortunately most where not the smae issue and others where unanswered.

    I have checked to see that when a customer places an order they recieve a mail, this is ok because they do, however i do not recieve a mail saying that an order has been placed, also if i use the contact form the user get a conformation mail but at the same time also receves one from MAILER-DAEMON-mail@mail snd in that mail i get this message.

    ''Your message could not be delivered.
    Please check delivery report for details.

    <>: does not like recipient.
    Remote host said: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1)
    Giving up on

    --- Enclosed are the original headers of the message.

    From: <>
    Reply To:
    Subject: this is another test
    Sent: 05 December 2006 14:43:45

    (Body supressed)''

    Does anyone know what i should be looking for, i am currently purge and refresh, to see if that makes any difference also my error log is this:
    having never looked at this before i could not say what is wrong with it and how i find out what all the error codes stand for.

    if anyone can point me in the write direction i would be greatful,

    i have just checked my ftp server host as the numbers in the below box are very similar, well all the same appart from the last two numbers which are 28. could this be the reason why i'm not recieving mails to and from any email with My FTP server Host is

    <>: does not like recipient.
    Remote host said: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1)
    Giving up on


      when i do a test thes are the results it gives me

      Actinic Mail Test completed successfully
      server: passed
      connection: passed
      sockets: passed
      communications: passed
      authorisation: passed
      message: -

      what does this all mean?


        Maybe this wil help you but more likely it will confuse you further.

        It's really something to discuss with your host. They should be able to tell you how they have configured mail on your server - after they speak to the people who actually own it.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Hi Bill thanks for the responce,

          As you thought this has confused me a little, I put my domain name into the mail test and it produced these results

          As the actinic site is an add-on from our existing site it is on a different server, I believe it was down to us not being able to run all the perl scripts on our current server. We need to use our company email '' which is setup via the existing server and not the the one that holds the actinic store, could this be the problem?

          Also if i need to contact my mail provider, what is it that i should be asking them and what should i be looking out or?

          Kind regards.


            Yes, this is the problem. The Actinic site needs to send mail from the local service and cannot relay through your other mail server, unless special permissions are set up.

            Can you create a mail account on the site related mailserver that uses the sales@ as an alias, if not then you may have to use an address on the site server but hard code the salea@ address in place of the NQV used for signatures and contact data?

            It may also help that you can set the new address to autoforward all received mail to your sales@ address.

            If you contact the host/mail provider and explain that you want to relay your mail from site through the existing site mail server - they may be able to help you - it depends how closely integrated the two servers are.
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

