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sepperate bounce page from checkout

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    sepperate bounce page from checkout

    Hi, i need to have a sepperate add to cart bounce page from my checkout pages layout.

    The reason is i have 6 products in 1 section which i need to display across other sections in my i have my products displayed in a frame across a number of sections....this way whichever section they order from they are still adding the same product....i cant have duplicates or similar because it creates a sepperate instance of the product which i dont want.

    my problem is that i need my checkout process in a parent window.....but i need my bounce page in a frame.

    my checkout pages have buttons and a menu etc.......but for my add to cart bounce i just want the bounce message.

    i did temporarily fix this by putting my checkout process into frames...but this played hell with my back buttons and other bounce displays etc.

    i cant have my bounce delay set to 0 because this makes my cart page display in the frame....which is too small to hold it.

    is there any way to have a sepperate bounce page and checkout page layout.


    the site im working on where you add the products is here.

    Hi Steven - it's a great looking site.

    Sadly, in v7 there is no way I know to do this other than by manually editing 'bounce.html' on the website and removing the navigation buttons.


      Hi Chris,

      Thanks for that, i was afraid you would say worries...ill havea fiddle with that and see what i get ) guessing this is the bounce.html in site html rather than bouce body in site folder.



        im guessing this is the bounce.html in site html rather than bouce body in site folder.
        files in siteHTML are generated by the app. if you want to edit the file that does the generating then look in site1

