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server upload problem

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    server upload problem

    Hi i have managed to delete all the files on my server along with the cgi-bin,

    does anyone know if i can just create a new folder called cgi-bin on the server and use that or does it have to be set up by the server host (do they have to set it up to except perl scripts)

    I have had the site working on this server so i know it will work.

    I have also tried changing all the folders to permmisions 777 and 755 but it still cant find the correct url for the cgi.? when i try to perge and refresh it still pops up with error accessing cgi-bin.???

    go and get yourself and FTP program (Filezilla is a good open source one)

    then connect to your webspace and create a folder called cgi-bin give it permissions of 755


      i have been reading and it say permissions 777?


        so i will not have to contact the host and ask for them to set up the sever so that it can take perl files?


          you should be able to create the cgi-bin yourself, download filezilla and try for yourself,

          permissions are cgi-bin 755
          acatalog 777

          you need write permissions on acatalog (ie 777) but not on cgi-bin (755)


            i have tried this but does not seems to work, i have tried to delete the files and start over, again the error message merge request occures even when i tried to perge and refresh.

            so now on my server i have a /cig-bin and a /actalog file on what i would call the top level both with the permossions that you have stated, then when i try to set up configure website details i get as far as the directories and error message is 'An error occurred while sending an HTTP request to the web server.'
            there is more on that error but you get the idea, wHAT IS GOING ON THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING. AS I'M SURRE SOTHERS KNOW ALREADY


              sometimes i get this one:

              Actinic is not able to run the CGI scripts on the server. It appears as if the scripts are not installed. The most likely cause is that you have an incorrect CGI-BIN URL. If you've never uploaded the site, then you should do it before a download of orders. If you've uploaded the site ever, then Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to review your web site configuration.

              followed by this one:

              The web server returned error code 404 - Requested URL not found. This means Actinic can not execute the CGI scripts on your web site. Run Web | Configure Web Site Details... to check the web setup.

              but when i try to configure the website details i get more error messages.

              could it be anything to do with the troubleshooting ,network settings


                I'm assuming the site in question is

                if I type in

                I get a 404 error thus the cgi-bin is probably not in the right place


                  yes that is the correct url and that is where the cgi-bin is now, i have just tried to look at the page myself and have the home page template appear but with no css and no images and none of the links work. I'm still getting errors when trying upload, is there a way of uploading the original actinic store that is on the disk instead of my one? i have a back up of my current site1 folder, do you think it would be worth me trying this and then if loaded swop my site1 folder back with the new one and then try a refresh?


                    wow getting close the files have now come up but still getting the error merge, so hopefully just need to double check the permissions and then try and do a refresh

