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Speeding Up 'Web Refresh'

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    slippy fingers there Malcolm

    Just to extend on our point further, the daily management of a store this size locally is a big pain until you switch off page preview!

    Malcolm , I cannot see the feature you mentioned, where does that hide please?
    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


      I cannot see the feature you mentioned, where does that hide please?
      When you activate a refresh the option is given to exclude unchanged images__________________



        But you do not get this choice in updates which I run 99% of the time not refreshes, hence the fact I had not seen it.

        Cheers mate
        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


          product properties

          Can anyone confirm if this is the reason for long checking times (PS making one price change takes about 20 minutes to upload)

          We have 235000 lines in the product properties table

          We have 18000 lines in the product table

          Last edited by madmatt95; 13-Dec-2006, 03:41 PM. Reason: crap title


            But you do not get this choice in updates
            No you dont because with an update Actinic will only upload changed images - with a refresh you are saying you want to upload ALL files. With V7 there was no choice but to upload all images but with V8 you can now tell Actinic to upload only those images that have changed since the last upload/refresh.

            This speeds things up alot.


              Originally Posted by pinbrook
              why do you want to do refresh (replace everything) rather than update (update changes only)?
              Twice in the past, due to cgi errors - I have had no choice but to do a web refresh (on the say so of actinic support team). Trust me - I realy don't want to be doing a web-refresh but in the future I know I will have to at some stage and am just trying to 'cheat actinic' into a faster web refresh
              Ok thisis what you could do

              delete .cat, .fil, generated pl, generated pm from both webserver and site1
              and update.


                Originally posted by pinbrook
                Ok thisis what you could do

                delete .cat, .fil, generated pl, generated pm from both webserver and site1
                and update.

                To Clarify - in my local site directory and the acatalog directory online i should delete all files with extensions: .cat .fil .pl .pm

                Question: If i do this, will my order numbers keep the same sequence? Ie my latest order number is ################3456 - after making the changes you suggest will my next order number continue the sequence or start back at 0000?


                  cat and fil are on acatalog

                  pl and pm are in cgi-bin. Only delete the generated pl and pm files. ie etc

                  delete from both webserver and site1, then update

                  Order number will not be affected.

                  This should do what you want it to, as this method is often used for other error ie merge errors. I often use it when changing PCs. Let us know...... and Good Luck

