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meta tag - tab?

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    meta tag - tab?

    hi I have just managed to create a searchword.log file so that i can create a list of all the words entered into the search function, but i cant seem to get the other keywords to work, I am most probabily wrong but, i thought that the meta tag sections was where you enter all the other key words for a particular product???? I have done this but they dont register in the simple search- it just comes back as no match found. Have i understood this corret or should i be using another method?

    I have looked at the (AUG) but do not really want to crete more options in the drop down list.

    any help would be great.

    I don't believe the Metas are indexed as they are not seen by the visitor. It indexes the products description and fragments per your settings in View|Search Settings - Indexing Options.


      For some of our products such as our 'Pro-bin', http://d256639.micro59.micromarteuro...g/Pro-Bin.html

      The industry that we workin would referer to this item using words such as dump bin, promotions, bin, sales bin etc.

      How would i link these keyworkds to the product so that if typed in the simple search would bring up the Pro-bin page? I would not really want to put these words into the product name or description, can this be done?

      excuse my lack of knowledge in this area, well in most lol


        i have also found threads about finding miss-spelt search words and how people have started to add these in, where/ how would they do that, i also read somewhere that you had to have the keyword in the product title or description
        obviously you dont want miss-spelt words on your product page.

        I have tried to add key words in the tag but they dont apear to be picked up.

        Hmmmmmm how frustraaiting.....


          I beleieve you can do this by putting the words in your extended info section and making that searchable.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            i'm not sure i understand, i wouldnt want miss-spelt words in the extended info either, or do you mean enter the words in here but just dont have the extended info active, but then if i have the extended info active how do i put the missspelt words in again....

            there must be an easy way to do this, personally i cant see why what ever you put into the meta tags doesnt get picked up.


              i cant see why what ever you put into the meta tags doesnt get picked up.
              I seem to remember a thread about how to do this from last year?

