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Windows XP Pro and Actinic

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    Windows XP Pro and Actinic

    I have recently installed Windows XP Pro after reluctantly giving up win2k, in my view, the best operating system Microsoft ever did.
    I am running Actinic WinXPPro is fast and efficient but I am getting regular chkdsk corrections to random files within the Site1 directory. At start up I get the blue screen and chkdsk carries out various functions such as "Truncation badly linked attribute records from file record segments....", "Correcting error in index $130 for file..." and "Deleting index entry (filename)in index $130 of file..."
    This is not a serious problem, more of a nuisance.
    I have investigated this exhaustively and haven't come up with any clear cause or solution. Has anyone else had this experience with Windows XP Pro? I'd be interested to hear if you managed to find the cause or even cure the problem.

    Maintain a good backup off the PC hard disk. chkdsk sounds like you may have a hard disk on it's way out. The bluesceen can be a sign of hardware failure or hard disk software failure.

    Try compacting the database. You may also try defragmenting the disk.



      Done both those, compacting and defrag. Win XP Pro has a compatability wizard and I have set Actinic to run under a win2k configuration so I'll see how that flies.
      Hard disks are new actually though that doesn't really mean anything. I am running a mirrored raid system so if the drive does fail I should be ok. Bit of a stonker this one! I'll keep you posted with results.
      Thanks for your help and have a good Christmas.


        Hi Mark,

        One thing to add into the discussion, is that when running scandisk, do you have bad sectors reported? If so, then it does sound like the hard disk is at fault, if it keeps on repeating you have bad clusters, then again maybe the hard drive is at fault.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development



          Haven't had the "bad cluster" remark for some time. I get "corrupted files" mostly and then corrections. It has been quiet since Christmas was over so Actinic activity is at a minimum just now.
          I'm loathe to give up WinXP Pro as it seems like quite a fast operating system. The Home edition, though probably more forgiving, is quite a bit slower.
          Thanks for your input Nadeem


            WinXP Pro should work fine - it is for me and many others. Another thing would be to do a good AV check to make sure that the corrupted files are not as a result of a virus.



              Yes, I think XP Pro is definitely doing it's job well. A scheduled AV check runs every day before I get to work so I'm pretty sure it's not a virus. Time will tell. I have several backup systems in place should the hard drive fail, not least the mirrored raid system. I also have my old hard drive in the machine but not connected with Win2k and all my programmes. I also do a full manual backup onto an external disk every night with snapshots throughout the day, so I feel reasonably safe!
              I will post any further developments. Thanks guys.

