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Adding ssl certificate to my actinic site

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    Adding ssl certificate to my actinic site


    I'm thinking of adding a ssl cert to my site, simply because the cost is now so cheap ($10 per year) but wondered will I have any problems doing so?

    I use paypal at present, will there be warnings if the customer leaves my secure site and goes to the paypal secure site to complete checkout?

    That would maybe cause confusion and perhaps the customer might abort the sale?

    Or would there be no warning of this kind?

    Any other issues I should know about with ssl? I've not used them before?

    I don't understand why you would want to use SSL if you already use a payment provider who provides the secure checkout.

    Running an entire site in SSL is not a good idea as it can both slow the site down and make it more difficult for search engines to spider and thus index.

    Rather than think it is a good idea because it costs $10 think more inlines of why you want to do this, what benefit is there to the customer? Take a look at big sites ie amazon, etc, at what stage do these sites move to secure pages?

    Insummary the $10 would be better spent on beer.



      Thanks for that, its a fiver saved I suppose!


        This is actually something that I thought about over christmas.
        A number of news reports being showed in relation to online trading and safety were telling people to look for the https and padlock on sites.
        This, especially to those new to online trading could well put of people when they go to a site and do not get the https or padlack symbol. They may well never get as far as the checkout and secure pages.




          Yes, we have had a couple of enquiries from worried newbies about the lack of a padlock on their browser when in our catalogue pages.
          We have put a message on the catalog/index page explaining that they will be directed to a secure site BEFORE they enter any personal or payment information.
          It remains to be seen if this will work.

