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Looking for an SEO Recomendation

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    Looking for an SEO Recomendation

    Over the last couple of months it seems that the cost of my Google Adwords has significantly increased, and the number of sales has dropped.

    My website seems to have completely fallen out of first couple of Google pages and I need to get it back.

    Can anyone recommend a SEO that has some actinic experience?

    Malcolm at Rural Web (username = ruralweb) would be the best choice IMHO - he has a solid grounding in Actinic as well as the Google Adwords specialist and SEO in general... be wary of using other so called experts that are not familiar with Actinic as there are many threads abouth people spending good money for nothing.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      I would recommend Mal also OR get yourself a flask of something hot and get ready to read for about 30 hours and teach yourself. The information in this forum on this subject is vast.


        Google contacted me recently. I was surprised and thought they were out to get more money. However, the advice they gave me dropped my costs with them hugely. For example all my keywords were broad ie they were not specified an exact match or phrase match. This means that for a term baby punk clothes which I mean for a young child as opposed to a sex goddess someone typing in sexy baby punk clothes would see my advert. If you put the work "baby punk clothes" or [baby punk clothes] then this will not happen. Look into it in more detail to be sure which one you want.

        Also you can add negative words. My site is a niche and about being unusual not cheap. My negative words are budget, discount etc. This means if someone has these words in their search phrase my site will not appear. In addition make sure you ad is clear. For example I have another site selling exclusive kids pyjamas. I actually put from £20 in the ad so that anyone wanting Asda type products doesn't click on my ad.

        Finally, this forum and its members (including Malcolm from ruralweb) have given me so much advise that my site has good listings on google now but it has literally taken me thousands of hours to achieve.

        Good Luck

        Stardust Funky Kids T-Shirts


          If i was asked who do you think has asked the most questions, learnt the most and more importantly put the most effort into improving their website, then Ghome1971 would be top of my list.

          Getting to the top of the rankings is a real achievement and it feels great when you achieve it. As mentioned above it takes hours and hours, but it is possible. Ghome1971, i think it's fair to say, had very little knowledge on what to do about 12 months ago and now she is offering sound advice - that is testament to her efforts and how good this forum is.

          If there was one thing i would recommend in this area, it is this:

          Be prepared to put in hours and hours and then some more hours to achieve what you want. If you cannot put in that kind of time, then pay a recommended and proven SEO expert to do it for you.

