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Can't change the product quantity initial value

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    Can't change the product quantity initial value

    Hi there,

    I am a new user, just getting to grips with Actinic, using the old V6 version. I am near to launching the first ecommerce site I developed without the aid of my more experienced colleague.

    One little glitch I have now is that the initial value for the order quantity is now set to 4 for all products.

    I can't seem to find an explanation, I'm sure it's pretty opbvious though. Does anybody have any ideas?

    The WIP version of the site can be found at:

    I woul also appreciate any other feedback on the site, or reports of any potential errors or problems I might run into! I'm more of a designer than a programmer!

    Thanks for your help,

    Mat Stillo

    Within View | Business Settings | Ordering there is an option to assign Order Quantity Always One, but not the other way around, so... The only thing can think of is that you have assigned the min order quantity per product to 4, as that within a default installation is where it is at.

    But, have you manually amended the quantiy (text) entry to change the default behavious at all maybe, so that instead of picking up on the changes at the product level in the content tree, it is over ridden at the template generation level?


      Thanks for your help. I did spot the 'order quantity always one' option, but like you say, it isn't really applicable.

      I thought perhaps something had been altered at a template level, but I can't track down what template I should be looking at? Any ideas?





        This seems to be a problem in the version of the software that you have. Go to 'Design | text' and click on the 'Go To' button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Type -1 for the Phase field and 2173 for the ID field and click 'OK'. You should see:

        %s<INPUT TYPE=text NAME="%s" SIZE="4" VALUE="%d">

        Change SIZE="4" to SIZE="%d" and click 'OK' and then update your site and the quantity values should be set to 1 again.


          Hi Tracey,

          Thanks for that, all sorted now. I have been on my hols & have only just picked up your reply.

          I'm glad it was not something obvious, glaring me in the face, anyway!

          Thanks again,


