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Minimum order value for certain payment methods

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    Minimum order value for certain payment methods

    Not sure this has been covered before. We accept payment by Western Union but only for orders of £50 and over. At the moment the regular customers who use it just use `Cash, Cheque or Postal Order` as the payment method to select but it'd be handy if it could be added to the actual payment method options although, as I said, I'm not sure if it could be `set` for orders of value £50 and over. Some Actinicers might want the opposite, for a mimimum value on a Paypal order perhaps? Or is this opening a can of wriggly ones regarding the checkout sequence?
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    Hi George,

    I can't find any previous requests for this so I'll ask our development team for you.



      The development team are saying that it can be done with a perl hack, however, this will mean that the value set in 'Business Settings |
      Ordering | Minimum Order Value' will only be used for the selected Payment method and won't be used for any others. If this is what you want then let me know and I'll ask our developer to give me details of the change you need to make.


        Is it possible?

        We're looking to do a similar thing on V7. We're happy to take orders for £2 paid by card, when we pay a maximum of 1.5% in charges. But we are not happy to take Paypal for £2 as the fee for us is 13% (20p + 2.9%).

        So we would like to set a minimum payment level (say £10 - when the Paypal fee is at least down to 4.9%) before we accept Paypal.


          OK - I've found the solution for this, but it involves changing a couple of Perl files - and we can't really support that on an ongoing basis. Anyway - here's the solution:

          - Open the in the actual site dir

          - Find the last line of sub ValidatePayment, which looks like:

          return ($sError);
          - Insert the following lines before it:

          my ($Status, $sHTML) = ActinicOrder::CheckBuyerLimit($::g_sCartId,'',$::TRUE); # Check buyer cash limit
          if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)                                              # error out
                  $sError = $sHTML;
          - Save the file

          - Open the

          - Find the following lines in sub CheckBuyerLimit (by searching for '2348'

          	elsif ($nLowerBound > 0 &&
          			 $nTotal < $nLowerBound)
          		@Response = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($nLowerBound, $::TRUE, $::g_pCatalogBlob);	# Format buyer minimum
          		if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
          			return (@Response);
          		$sLimit = $Response[2];				
          		$nPromptID = 2348;
          - change them to
          elsif ($nLowerBound > 0 &&
                           $nTotal < $nLowerBound)
                  if ($::g_nCurrentSequenceNumber != $::STARTSEQUENCE && $::g_PaymentInfo{'METHOD'} == '900')
                          @Response = ActinicOrder::FormatPrice($nLowerBound,$::TRUE, $::g_pCatalogBlob);    # Format buyer minimum
                          if ($Response[0] != $::SUCCESS)
                                  return (@Response);
                          $sLimit = $Response[2];
                          $nPromptID = 2348;
          - Save the file

          - Upload your site

