As we deal with a high proportion of customers who are not computer literate, I would like to customise the Act_PasswordEmail.txt template to explain the log in procedure and tell them what to expect after logging in. Also, because they are the more *ahem* 'traditional' customers, it would be nice to have a 'Mr.' or 'Mrs.' included, instead of 'Dear John Smith' (or whatever).
After looking through the forums here, I can see that there are some NETQUOTEVARs I could add, assuming that these templates are processed by the server (as is the case with order confirmation emails, for example).
However, as the password email is processed on a local computer, these NETQUOTEVARs don't work.
This is what the template looks like at the moment:
However, whilst it works in the way described above, I know I will get emails saying that "When I logged in it didn't say <Your account name>, but rather *xxxxxxxxxxxx*" (their actual account name, as specified on their account in Sage).
In looking in the Act_Header.html file, the code used to describe the account line is this:
but obviously, as the password email is processed on the local computer, it doesn't work.
I would like to use the information stored in the 'External reference' field of the customer account to be applied to the email instead of <Your account name>.
Do any NETQUOTEVARs exist which I can add to the template which would enable this information to be processed by the local computer? Likewise for the Salutation used in the 'Buyer' tab of the customer account?
I'd hopefully like it to look like this:
Please can anyone advise if this is possible, and if it is, let me know what the unknown NETQUOTEVARs are?
After looking through the forums here, I can see that there are some NETQUOTEVARs I could add, assuming that these templates are processed by the server (as is the case with order confirmation emails, for example).
However, as the password email is processed on a local computer, these NETQUOTEVARs don't work.
This is what the template looks like at the moment:
Dear NETQUOTEVAR:CUSTOMER_NAME, Thank you for ordering from our Web Store etc. ... Your log in details are: User name: NETQUOTEVAR:USERNAME Password: NETQUOTEVAR:PASSWORD When you log in, the first page should say "Welcome to Online Catalogue NETQUOTEVAR:CUSTOMER_NAME" in a box at the top of the page. Also, right at the very top of that page (and every subsequent page) it should say: Buyer: NETQUOTEVAR:CUSTOMER_NAME | Account: <Your account name> | Logout [Usual sign off blurb]
In looking in the Act_Header.html file, the code used to describe the account line is this:
I would like to use the information stored in the 'External reference' field of the customer account to be applied to the email instead of <Your account name>.
Do any NETQUOTEVARs exist which I can add to the template which would enable this information to be processed by the local computer? Likewise for the Salutation used in the 'Buyer' tab of the customer account?
I'd hopefully like it to look like this: