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Batch updating of prices and options via import/export?

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    Batch updating of prices and options via import/export?

    Hi all

    Our site has a fairly complicated structure.
    In order to create the art gallery style shop we need we use sections/subsections then a single product per subsection. Each product uses choices/options and we use permutations too.... (heavy I know!)

    Anyway due to a change of frame supplier we need to change the size options and prices of all my products, we have over 370 products, each of which is available in one of 7 ranges of sizes prices.

    I was wondering if we would be able to export all our products/options to a CSV file, update prices/options etc in batch using Excel, then import the file back in?

    It sounds simple enough, but i now know enough about Actinic to presume it won't be simple!. Any advice before we attempt this would be much appreciated!!

    Russell King
    Canvas Etc...Stylish Modern <A HREF="">Canvas Art</A>

    You can export a hieractical (however it is spelt) copy of your products from the file | export menu option. Also do a backup and snapshot as well.

    Open it in excel then run any formulas you decide to use to update prices (helps if you use the filter option in excel there), then, import it back in, which if all is ok with the results, then great - if not, then copy your backup back in or the snapshot.

