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How To Use Microsoft Frontpage

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    How To Use Microsoft Frontpage

    Hi Forum
    I am trying to use front page with actinic catalog,
    everytime i upload front page it was wiping my web site of the net, this is because the file was named index. i have now sorted that out.
    I renamed it to homepage i then published it to my site.
    The problem i have now is that i need to make it into my real homepage. when i look at my site through my ftp i can see the file on my site, but when i try to find it on the net i carn't, how can i find the page to turn it into my homepage.

    Thank you

    Come on forum please help

    someone out there must be able to help me



      If I understand you correctly, I think that you are using FrontPage to up load pages as well as Actinic. Don't do that!

      It's OK to design your pages using FrontPage but leave the uploading to Actinic. This means that you will have to copy the pages from wherever FrontPage is putting them into the Actinic Site1 folder and tell Actinic about the additional files.

      Then when you do a Refresh or Update with Actinic the pages will be added to the site. Of course, you have to have taken care of the page links, etc. before uploading.
      Chris Brown


        Thank you
        Chris i'll let you know if it works.


          How do i tell actinic about the file???


            On the Toolbar Advanced>Additional Files
            Owner of a broken heart


              Thank you for the advice, but this still does not work,
              when i save this page to actinic, it looses most of the work i have done.when i save frontpage should i name it something els??
              it must be possible to make a great homepage with another product and intergrate it with actinic, because let's face it actinic is not the best software for making a homepage.
              please advise
              Thank you


                save your page using Front page. Then copy that file into site1, then add the file name to additional files and do a n upload


                  Make sure you put a copy of all the images from your page into Site 1 folder as well and add them to additional files
                  Owner of a broken heart


                    no problem with frontpage

                    I don't seem to have any problem uploading frontpage files separately.
                    I upload them using an ftp programme to the root directory. The acatalog directory is not affected. This saves having to keep them in actinic, and you can have as many pages as you like.
                    Maybe if you use the frontpage loader it may be different.


                      Thank you ackerman.
                      But when you have saved it to your root directory how do you find frontpage and make it your home page??
                      Thank you


                        Hi Tony,
                        Frontpage pages will go in whatever is your first directory. This will vary depending on your host. Name it "index" (again it may be "home"), and it will become your home page.
                        All the actinic files are in the directory "acalalog", which will be below your root directory. Don't have a file there called "index", if you have change the name.
                        It is important that you keep the files in separate directories, otherwise when you upload actinic it may delete your frontpage files.
                        You can see what mine looks like here
                        All the files at the bottom left (as well as the opening page) were done in frontpage. The link in the middle goes to the actinic files.
                        Hope this helps.


                          I understand ho you have done that, but does the search engines just look in the frontpage area or does it look in both frontpage and actinic area's


                          Chris Ashdown


                            As far as I know search engines will follow links to any directory. All actinic file are stored in the directory "acatalog" anyway, so you will still have your root directory for index files etc.


                              Frontpage and Actinic

                              I have developed my website in Frontpage using the themes which I have customised. I am trying out the FP2003 beta version at present and I have no problems with it. I have just been on a Dreamweaver course. I want to continue using FrontPage alongside Actinic if possible as I have about 250 pages in FP and don't want to rebuild them yet in Dreamweaver. An alternative is to wait until I go on an Actinic course and then build my pages in Actinic using an Actinic Template. I really want to continue using FP as it is so simple to use. However, do you think that I will have problems? Can you e-mail me on or reply via this thread? Thanks.
                              Michelle White

