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403 Forbidden error while logged in

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    403 Forbidden error while logged in


    One of our new trade customers is unable to check out on our website. They have placed previous orders no problem without an account, but using their new account they receive the following error when hitting 'Checkout'

    The website declined to show this page

    HTTP 403
    The user is using IE7. I can log in under their account on a machine running IE7 no problem. They have cleared cache, cookies etc and restarted, with no results.

    Has anyone else ever had this problem before? A 403 is normally an authorisation problem but I have no idea why this would be happening. We are running IIS 6.0.
    Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more

    Hi Graham,

    I can log in under their account on a machine running IE7 no problem.
    Does that include 'checking out'?

    Do you know if the customer tried on a different pc and whether he had the same problem?

    Has anyone else ever had this problem before?
    I have never seen this happening before for logged in customers. Have any other customers had a problem or is this the first customer account that you have set up?

    Have you tried creating a new login for this customer and uploading the site to see if that works for him?

    If the above doesn't work, then we would need the customer to right-click on the checkout page and select 'view source' and save that. Then right-click on the link and select 'Open in new window' and copy the address in the address bar. If you get this information then we may be able to find out whether the link he is clicking on is correct.


      Hi Tracey,

      I asked the customer to download a copy of Firefox, and it allowed him to check out with no problems. We put it down to a security setting in IE7, but still don't really know what caused it. Anyway, customer is happy enough to use Firefox so hopefully it shouldn't happen again. Thanks

      Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more



        We put it down to a security setting in IE7
        That was my thinking but I wanted to explore all other possiblities before blaming Microsoft (just in case). Glad to hear it's working now.

